Hannibal #1.12

Jun 14, 2013 16:16

Aaaaaargh. I keep getting caught out by murder shows, where I fall in love with the ingénue serial killer character, who inevitably gets killed by the experienced serial killer character (see also: The Following).

I’m holding onto the hope that we didn’t actually SEE Hannibal snap Abigail’s neck, so maybe she’s still alive…? *waves flag forlornly* Either way, she will live on in the MANY twisted murder family fanfics I shall write this summer.

I think Hannibal’s Grand Manipulation requires a little too many contrivances to make sense (just like Hannibal’s framing of Nicholas Boyle only works if I squint really hard), but it’s undeniably squirmy-good TV. The writers appear to be burning the show to the ground with the finale, so I’ll be intrigued to see how the set-up for s2 looks next week.

Anyway, I’ve ordered a copy of Red Dragon, so I’m excited to re-read that. I remember very little about the characterization of either Will or Hannibal in the book, so it’ll be interesting to see how they compare with the TV show.

I actually just looked out the essay I wrote for university about performances of masculinity in the Hannibal Lecter trilogy (spoiler: it is GREAT and academia lost an important critical theorist in me ;). Ahh, gotta love how fandoms come and go…

tv, hannibal

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