The Following #1.05, The Siege

Feb 20, 2013 10:55

So the good news is that I can actually start recommending The Following! This episode was genuinely shocking and emotional and well-plotted, and all the story strands fed into one another. And. Like. Writing. It was there!

When the episode opened with Emma, Jacob and Paul in bed together, I may have screamed I’M NOT READYYYYY. I’m still in shock that the show went there and continues to go there. Not that I wouldn’t like to read All The Fanfic, but I’m finding the canon totally satisfying.

Also: PLOTTING. It was great how the angsty morning-after emotions totally set up the opportunity for Joey to make his escape. (Let’s be real: part of the reason this episode was great is that it minimized the A-storyline and maximized the B-storyline.)

Claire getting into a car with a strange man sent by her serial-killer husband was idiotic, but it was also the most agency we’ve seen her possess in this entire series. I was getting sick of seeing her sitting around, waiting for Hardy to save the day. My guess is that Hardy’s gonna rescue Joey, but the cult’s gonna keep Claire.

This show’s casting director continues to be my favourite. It’s like they’re collecting actors from my past fandoms. Hi there, Geneva from The Good Wife! I hope you stick around!

All the Poe stuff is still ridiculous, and I feel like Kevin Bacon’s scenes are frequently the most terribly written ones. But, in all, this episode marked a considerable uptick in quality. Let’s hope it continues.

the following, tv

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