Incest and dragons

Mar 11, 2012 21:05

Considering what a slog I found the last two Ice and Fire books, it's astonishing how Stockholmed by George R.R. Martin's Westeros universe I remain. The return of Mad Men is the big TV event this month, but I'm just over here salivating over the new season of Game of Thrones.

I've watched the new promo a lotttt of times and there are a lotttt of things I'm excited about.

We get out first glimpse of my OTP: Theon and Asha. WOO. "Oops, I accidentally macked on a girl who turned out to be my sister, but even now I've found out, I still sort of fancy her" <-- best storyline ever.

However, I'm more intrigued by Renly's storyline based on the promo. I always felt like the bizarre situation of Renly marrying his boyfriend's sister should have been a goldmine of drama, but GRRM disappointingly underplayed it. It looks like the TV show is planning to do no such thing. \o/

YEAH, Renly, make out with Anne Boleyn! You DO that! *__* I'm still a little irritated that they picked a 30 year old actress to play 16 year old Margaery (because, I mean, when she ends up married to Tommen, that shit is gonna be weeeeird). However, this promo made me remember that Natalie Dormer is awesome, and hopefully she'll be able to breathe life into Margaery's rather flat character.

I've been slowly rewatching s1 and I still find it entirely too full of scenes where characters randomly vomit up their entire backstory. However, having read the books, I can now appreciate some of the foreshadowing. Petyr creeping on Sansa at the tournament is greeeeat (confession: I 'ship Sansa/Petyr. I know. I KNOW. :/), and the moment in the s2 promo where Tyrion speaks to Sansa gave me chills. BOOK 3, BE HERE RIGHT NOW.

game of thrones, tv

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