I fear I am becoming one of those people who posts so little that it becomes a strain to remember to post, so I do it less and less. Sigh, sigh.
What's been going on with me? Well, I've been using up a lot of mental space stressing about my driving test in two weeks. Other people manage to pass this thing when they are 17. Why is it so harrrrrrd for me? *breaks down, weeps*
In TV terms, it's only the beginning of the season and already I'm struggling to keep up to date with my shows. Why? Well, I made a fateful discovery that has changed the course of my life:
I found out you can watch every season of The Amazing Race on youtube. Hello, new timesuck! This show is stupidly addictive. Also: ranging from mildly to wildly xenophobic. /o\
I would clearly be terrible on this show. I cannot deal with pressure; I cannot drive (see above, re: both points); I am weeeeak (damn you, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome); and I am too obsessed with staying hydrated.
I would literally just spend the whole time saying, "OMG, I need to pee. :( Can we stop somewhere so I can pee?" Thus, I was amused when, in s14, there was a hilarious episode where stopping to pee really was one team's downfall! Bladders. >:/
I also realized exactly why I love this show: it totally reminds me of The Crystal Maze! Remember that show? Something that would definitely improve TAR is being presented by Richard O'Brien.
I also recently finished reading Pretty Little Liars book #4 and I can report that I AM SO DONE WITH THIS BOOK SERIES. Book #4 was spectacularly badly plotted. I literally can't believe it made it into print.
Let's see. Book #3 finished with the following cliffhangers:
1. Hanna has worked out the identity of A, but has been hit by a car before she can tell anyone!
2. Ezra has been arrested for statutory rape!
3. Spencer is pretty sure *she* is Ali's killer!
4. Emily has been packed off to Iowa to live with her god-fearing relatives in order to cure her of her lesbianism!
At whiplash-inducing speed, in book #4, all of these cliffhangers are either reversed or neutralized:
1. Hanna is in a coma for a hot minute, but wakes up with no lasting damage, EXCEPT she can't remember anything about the night of the accident, including A's identity.
2. Ezra is released without charge, and the whole thing is hushed up, provided he quits his job and leaves town. Aria seems distraught about this for a hot minute and then, apparently, immediately ceases to care.
3. Spencer realizes she's not the killer.
4. Emily spends one action-packed night at her aunt's house in Iowa, then she's kicked out by her relatives, so she returns home and her parents are suddenly completely okay with her being a lesbian.
Obviously, I am most aggrieved of the Aria/Ezra stuff. My 'shiiiiiip! ;__; We literally get ONE more Ezra scene and then he's GONE. What the actual fuck? Aria doesn't even pine for him. Thanks for trampling all over my emotional attachment, Sara Shepard.
The only positive thing I can say is that the reveal of the identity of 'A', which finally comes out at the end of the book, is pretty great: it's surprising, but it also makes a lot of sense. I'm excited to see it play out on screen.
However, uuuuuugh, I am so not reading the rest of the books. Time to draw a line under this unfortunate phase.