Twilight, Dexter

Nov 24, 2009 07:52

Snarky reviews of the Twilight series got old more than two years ago, but I've been reading Dan Bergstein's chapter-by-chapter reviews of the books (as rec'ed by bluesuzanne) and I have to say that they are DELIGHTFUL.
"Bella, you idiot, kiss Jacob and marry him and have babies and live happily ever after as a fun-loving motorcycle couple that bikes around the country solving crimes and going above the law when the law just won't do. It would be the perfect life. Besides, Bella Black sounds like a superhero (or a delicious energy drink) whereas Bella Cullen sounds like a line of affordable undergarments: The Bella Cullen Collection."

ALSO. How amazing was this week's Dexter? PRETTY AMAZING.

Ahhhhh! I've thought for weeks that Trinity's son was also a killer (fathers and sons being very much the theme of this season), but Christine instead being revealed as his sociopathic daughter was a great twist. Can't wait to see how this plays out, especially since Quinn has really grown on me. (Christine will fuuuuhreeeeeeeeeeak if he cheats on her...............with Deb? I kind of 'ship it. :|)

Everything about the world's most fucked up Thanksgiving dinner was awesome(ly creepy). However, the B plots were a bit *meh*. Rita's (sort of) infidelity is clearly gonna feed into the season's denouement, but Angel/Maria is sooooo far removed from everything else that's going on that's it's hard to care.

dexter, tv, twilight

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