angelheaded hipsters.

May 28, 2008 10:33

God, this is such an interesting album. From the songs they had released previously, I expected an album of straight-up emo-influenced rock music. But it's actually a lot more varied and nuanced than that. I am continually surprised, every time my playlist clicks onto 'Modern Love', because it's so finger-clicking and weirdly soulful. (Cab babies, you have competition at becoming the new Maroon 5! ;) And then you have 'Hayley', which is such excellent folk-pop (and I love folk-pop).

Valmont: I have been obsessed with this song for moooonths and my obsession shows no signs of abating. "We had both been dark and heart-obsessed" is such a great, great lyric. Drugs-metaphor-for-love isn't exactly treading new ground, but this song creates an amazing mood. Even though it's a fairly downbeat song, I find it exhilarating.

I Want Blood: In some ways, this is my favourite. Partly because it makes me want terrrrible AU fic where Sean is a vampire and Tom is a human and they fall in looooove. /o\ (What, like your mind didn't go there, too?) Anyway, it's just a perfect rock song. I could happily spend hours throwing myself around the room with this song on full volume. Mmmm.

Modern Love: Sean's voice is so much more adaptable than I would expect. He really succeeds in making the higher notes of this song work. As I said above, I find this song so surprising and impressive.

Believe!: This is such an odd little song, but again, I find it surprising that Empires can do pop and make it work. (Honestly, the band that Empires are increasingly reminding me of is Brand New and that's a really big compliment from me. Both bands are comprised of total freaks that produce some really beautiful and unexpected music. ;)

Under the Bright Lights: This song fills me so full of emotion that I just want to cry for no reason. (Yeah, I know, I'm melodramatic. But some songs just do that to me.) The way this song soars to its musical climax is breathtaking. I am also incredibly struck by the odd little syncopation of "oh, don't you mind the war tonight". I just want to listen to it over and over and over again.

Okay, I feel a bit verklempt just writing up my thoughts on these songs. Suffice to say, I also love the rest of the songs on the album. Especially the sex song 'Keep the Mood' and 'Hayley'.

God, I love this band. I love them for creating such a beautiful and heartfelt album. I love them for giving it away for free simply because they want people to share it with them. Love.

Go download the album.

empires, music

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