I've been working on the Random Playlist ficlet meme, except I have adapted it slightly:
1. Put your playlist on shuffle.
2. Write a ficlet inspired by the first song that comes up. Stop writing once the song has stopped.
3. Except, completely disregard that last part. Just keep writing. Listen to the song again. Turn off the music completely for a while.
4. Repeat process. Skip songs like 'Year 3000' by Busted, because... LOL, no.
5. Take a break to watch episodes of The Hills.
6. Feel sleepy, go to bed.
(At some point, that stopped being a writing exercise and just became... the way I always write. >_>)
Anyway! I'm still wading through The Hills and I must admit, I am way into it. /o\ It's genuinely ~*~dramatic~*~, even if it does still make me feel slightly uncomfortable to watch. :/
I was reading an article recently (where? probably The Guardian... I kind of wish there were more newspapers for young, hip, liberal people, SIGH) about how no writers are really willing to properly slag off Hollywood; really tell it like it is. Because, obviously, they still want to be able to work. I think that's probably true. It also makes The Hills an interesting experiment. Because it's "real", it's able to portray a truer version of LA. The Hills' LA is neither an exaggeratedly awful place, nor a particularly pleasant one. You can really sense a kind of... rot about LA.
My friend, who grew up in a very affluent part of LA but now goes to school in NorCal tends to email me anytime she goes home to say, "okay, I've been in SoCal a day and already I'm bored." Because, when she's there, all she does (this highly intelligent and curious girl) is shop and go out to dinner. Repeat repeat repeat. (Note: I'm sure there are plenty of sane people in LA who actually do things with their lives, but I also think there are a lot of people who just... live the scene.)
I think I lost my point somewhere in all that ramble. But the point is, I think LA is a place that is rarely portrayed accurately in fiction. And ironically, as fake as The Hills is, it comes pretty close to an accurate portrayal.
ALSO. I had a major moment of squee when they showed Lauren in one of her classes and the teacher was... Nick Verreos from s2 of Project Runway. I had forgotten Nick taught in LA! Wheeeee. (Wait. Do I watch too much reality TV?)