Usually I use the "sore" mood theme picture for "a bit achy". Today I am REALLY REALLY SORE. I never realized before what the phrase "a pain in the neck" truly means. I've fucked up my neck somehow (my mum thinks I slept in a draft... bzuh?) and now I can't laugh, brush my hair, or y'know, move without shooting pains. JESUS. I can do without laughing, (I prefer smirking, anyway,) but I really like brushing my hair. :(
Tomorrow at work will be fun, as I emit screams of pain every two seconds while I'm filing. It'll add spice to the day, I suppose.
the s4 premiere of House:
Hmmmm. This episode felt really long to me--and not in a good way. :/ For all I'm always bemoaning the scarceness of Wilson scenes, this episode was almost too much Wilson. It was 42 minutes of, House and Cuddy! Cuddy and Wilson! House and Wilson! Lather rinse repeat x10. I know Hugh Laurie has emerged as not only the star of this show, but the STAR(!!!1). Billing House as the only good thing about the show has always felt like a disservice to all the other interesting and well-observed characters (played by perfectly capable actors). The reason I fell in love with the show is that, unlike most other procedurals, I enjoyed the interaction between ALL the characters. Chase/House scenes, Cameron/Wilson scenes, Foreman/Chase scenes -- they were all different in tone and all interesting.
I realize the houselings will be back (next week technically, but by mid-season for real, I would hope assume), and I'm interested to see House interact with some new underlings in the weeks to come, but really (IMO) this episode showed that House ISN'T in fact The Gregory House Show -- it needs to be more.
Hey! Luke and Noah
totally made out again this week on As the World Turns. (What? Gay teen soap storylines are always apropos!)