Children Of Men -- 2006's Crash, apparently...

Jul 10, 2007 12:28

Ugh. Children Of Men.

I am so bored of bleak dystopian visions of the near future. They're not even creative. You know what would be creative? A future world where we figured out how to live better and be nicer to one another.

Oh, I'm sorry, that's not DRAMATIC enough. *eyeroll*

I had prepared myself for the rampant misogyny of this movie (Children Of Men? pffft!), but it still bugged me. WHY is fertility so broadly considered a "woman thing"? I'm gonna introduce a crazy concept called basic biology to you: you need a woman AND a man to create a baby. Yes, it's true.

And I find it extremely hard to believe that even if women (only women you understand) were infertile, society wouldn't be able to procreate still. Cloning, anyone? (Seriously, I'm such a dunce when it comes to science, but even I couldn't suspend disbelief for this dumbass premise.)

Didn't Clive Owen and Julianne Moore used to be able to act? Didn't Alfonso Cuarón used to direct compelling movies? WHAT HAPPENED?

movies, childrenofmen

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