Heroes, Nathan Barley

Jan 30, 2007 19:44

Heroes #1.13-
Another filler episode. Meh. I have a couple of very brief notes:

Why was Mohinder wearing pink? o__O Stereotypes blah blah blah but it really made him a whole lot gayer. I approve! :D

DL moment that made me laugh: "Your mom always managed to make ends meet." Yes, DL, and I think it's time for you to step up and be a man... BECOME A STRIPPER!

Ahhh, the requisite Petrelli badtouching. It improves any episode. Mmmmm. I also enjoyed the lighting in Peter's rooftop scene with Claude. Mmmmm. I'm shallow.

harmyjo: do you want me to send you the last two Heroes eps?

Aaand, probably only of interest to Jo... I started watching Nathan Barley (it's all up on youtube). As I've said before, comedy that makes you cringe (see: The Office) does not appeal to me. I don't like to watch people embarrassed. So this isn't really my kind of show. It is very watchable, though (I had to physically stop myself from watching more than 2 episodes in one go, hee). Most importantly, my heart breaks for Julian Barratt's character, Dan. God, Julian Barratt is pretty amazing, huh? *sigh*

Also: I have to give Oliver Chris' agent snaps. He is in everything. (Oliver Chris, not his agent.)

P.S. Has the sheer volume of IAMX I've been listening to lately made me indie-cool? Apparently so. Last.fm has stopped suggesting I listen to JamisonParker and started suggesting I listen to Architecture in Helsinki. Heh. I think I'll pass.

boosh, heroes, nathanbarley, tv

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