Things I...

Mar 26, 2006 17:20

Things I despise:

* Term papers
* Vending machines that eat your money when all you want is enough quarters to finish your laundry
* People who complain about everything and insult others just so they can feel superior
* Forgetting where you just printed your term paper to
* Not being able to feel clean in the shower
* Headaches
* Necks that won't crack
* Rooms without windows

Things I adore:

* Hazlenut creamer
* New experiences
* Quality bonding time
* California Hummus Wraps at Clydes
* Colorful notepads
* Post-It Notes
* Warm laundry
* Sleep
* Jasmine scented hand lotion
* Feeling refreshed
* Taking a break from "life"
* Soft hair
* Strong arms
* Walking along the river with Lynace
* Sunlight
* Rita's Water Ice
* Security
* Finishing a project
* Receiving phone calls from Heather Rose
* Planning my adventures for the summer
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