Break Stuff (41/365)

Jun 09, 2010 02:09

The Seige Engineer Concept is one I've had around for a while and it's actually one of my simplest ideas.

Though I ought to be up front and say that the title of "Seige Engineer" isn't all that accurate. He doesn't actually deal with seige engines or anything like that but, backstory wise, that's where he got his start; he was an engineer in training before the mercenary company disbanded and he became an adventurer. That's where he got his affinity for breaking things and destruction.

1 Fighter Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword)
2 Fighter Dungeoncrasher
3 Fighter Improved Sunder
4 Fighter Weapon Specialization (Bastard Ssword)
5 Fighter
6 Fighter Dungeoncrasher, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)
7 Exotic Weapon Master
8 Doomlord
9 Doomlord Focused Sunder ,Endurance
10 Doomlord
11 Doomlord
12 Doomlord Melee Weapon Mastery (Slashing)
13 Doomlord Improved Critical (Bastard Sword)
14 Doomlord
15 Doomlord Steadfast Determination
16 Doomlord
17 Doomlord Cleave
18 Fighter Slashing Flurry
19 Exotic Weapon Master
20 Fighter Greater Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword)

So what the fuck am I doing here, right?

Well, one thing bears pointing out: This guy uses a single psionic feat; Focused Sunder. To get that feat he has to have a power point reserve. Now there's a couple of ways to get it and the easiest of the two is being a psionic race. The other is being a human and using the extra feat to get Wild Talent/Hidden Talent. Or you can simply cut out Focused Sunder entirely and get another feat. Either way.

That said, this build is focused on two things: Breaking stuff and breaking people. The first he accomplishes via Improved Sunder and Entropic Blow, the second he does with a honking big sword and alot of attacks.

Doomlord is there because 1) I love the class and 2) Because it fits perfectly. It's all about entropy. It gives me two stat bonuses, three bonus feats, Greater Dispel Magic 3/day, Disintegrate 1/day, Entropic Blow, 10d12 HP, best BAB and a good fort save. Exotic Weapon Master is there for two abilities: Uncanny Blow which'll up my damage and Exotic Sunder for extra sunder damage.

So, feats

First level is Power Attack which is required for a required feat (confusing, eh?) and then Weapon Focus for the Bastard Sword which is required for Doomlord. Really, it can be any sword but the reason I chose Bastard Sword is so that I could get into Exotic Weapon Master. This is also the level where you'd take Wild Talent/Hidden Talent if you wanted assuming you were playing a nonpsionic race.

2nd level is Dungeoncrasher which helps me break things. Lots of things. It's awesome.

3rd level I get Improved Sunder which is what I needed Power Attack for; it's required for Doomlord.

4th level is Weapon Specialization which I want for the whole "Breaking People" part of the character build.

6th level I get the improved version of Dungeoncrasher and Exotic Weapon Proficiency for the Bastard Sword so that I can get into Exotic Weapon Master.

Next feat is 9th level when I get two, actually. One is my regular feat which is Focused Sunder; it's pretty cool because I can expend my psionic focus and ignore half the hardness of whatever I'm hitting. Pretty neat, huh? And then I get my first Doomlord feat which is Endurance; I want that for Steadfast Determination later on.

12th level is Melee Weapon Mastery; again with the whole breaking people part.

At 13th level I get Improved Critical for the Bastard Sword; see again: Breaking People

15th level is when I get Steadfast Determination which'll let me add my Con Mod to my Will Saves ontop of my Wis Mod. Suddenly my saves are looking alot better, right?

And then at 17th level I get my last Doomlord Bonus feat; I chose Cleave because of what I'm getting at next level which is.....

.....I get Slashing Flurry here. One of the single best feats for fighters ever, it lets you do horrible things with slashing weapons. Look it up, PHB II

And then my last feat at 20th level, Greater Weapon Focus. Breaking people, again.

Now, toss in a Sundering Adamantine weapon and he's ready to go.

Knob, Hidden Talent Fighter, Multiterrain Shocktrooper, Balthas Kasra, Kurth, Alarian Thrakos, Tarman Vorse, Spellsmiter, Highlander Build, Original Gideon, Dragonmage, Melee-ist Fighter, Paladin of Revelry, "Standard Fighter", Master of Chains, Mounted Archer, Arisias, Whirlwind, Vykes, Anarok Tor, Cerberus Ranger, Kobold Pick Fighter, Magekiller, Ebin, William Corshek, Grappler, Stormlord Cleric, Storm Mage, Lucky Adventurer, Toguro Character, Slashing Killer, Meta-Mage, Voice of Gruumsh, Hunter of Man, Force Mage, Bardic Dervish, Halberdier, Assassin Homage, Dragoon, Draco-Blade, Missile Mage, Aiel Homage, Graeme, Ulric Vantir, Archer Mage, Vartyr Kellisk

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