Fortress Sorcerer (31/365)

Feb 19, 2010 21:36

So now that the votes have had time to be cast the winner is my unkillable sorcerer.

Which is something of a misnomer if I'm being honest. Anything in D&D can be killed. This sorcerer just takes "To Tough to Die" to whole new levels.

I thought about making him a dwarf for that extra bonus to Con but that's too damn easy. Instead, I made him a Silverbrow Human. Partially as a homage to my brother xdrumrboi and partially because they have the Dragonblood subtype naturally which is sort of important.

From there the formula is kind of ridiculously easy if somewhat boring.

See, I'm once again using both Battle Sorcerer and Stalwart Sorcerer and you sit there going "Why, Phelan, why?" Well, it's because survivability starts with hitpoints and there is no better way to get those than combining both of those class features. With the two of those you're essentially running neck and neck with the Barbarian for HP wankery (not including builds like Gideon who just takes HP wankery to ridciulous extremes). Then you add in the ability to cast in armor and you're looking at having a decent AC right out of the gate.

From there I start having fun.

The other alternate class feature that contributes to this comes out of one of my other favorite books -- Dungeonscape. I'm giving up my familiar in favor of Spell Shield which is basically the "Fuck you, that wasn't a greataxe crit" ability. In short? Burn a spell of 1st level or higher and then make a Concentration check (DC 15+Spell Level). If you make it you just ignored damage equal to five times the level of the spell you burned. Let me say that again: FIVE TIMES the level.

And now you're sitting here going, "Okay, we see how this works."

Hah. Just wait for the other shoe.

1 Sorcerer Dragon Heritage (White), Combat Casting
2 Sorcerer
3 Sorcerer Eschew Materials
4 Sorcerer
5 Sorcerer
6 Dracolexi White Dragon Lineage
7 Dracolexi Still Spell
8 Abjurant Champion
9 Abjurant Champion Draconic Vigor
10 Abjurant Champion
11 Abjurant Champion
12 Dracolexi Draconic Arcane Grace
13 Dracolexi
14 Dracolexi
15 Dracolexi Draconic Toughness
16 Dracolexi
17 Sanctified One
18 Sanctified One Rapid Metamagic
19 Sanctified One
20 Sanctified One

Now, you're probably asking yourself what the hell is he up to.

The answer is multi-layered so I'll talk about my classes first.

I've already addressed Sorcerer and the roll it plays -- armor, HP, and the ability to negate damage. It basically creates the foundation I need for the rest of this to work. Even though I'm only taking 5 levels of sorcerer that's still another 10 HP which is nothing to sneer at.

Then I hit Dracolexi which is something many of y'all have probably never heard of. It's from Races of the Dragon, a PrC that's all about langauge dependant spells and specifically using Draconic Words to create magical effects. With only seven levels of the class I get three of words and the ones I'm getting are: ssifisv, ssearth, and veschik. The first word eliminates fatigue or reduces exhaustion. The second heals damage equal to my caster level or I can use it to extend a spell and the last one lets me regain a spell slot. The fact I also get about four or so bonus spells known is also very, very awesome.

Tangentially (and a note to self): Explore with Duskblade.

Then I get to Abjurant Champion and you're asking why? It's Abjurant Armor doesn't apply to mage armor but it does apply to shield so that helps with the AC thing. Then I get Extended Abjuration which is also cool. So is Swift Abjuration but it's mostly eh. The main reason I wanted the class was for Arcane Boost. Swift Action and I burn a spell slot to get an insight bonus to AC, to Saves, or even resistance to elemental damage. See where I'm going with this? Yeah.

And now Sanctified One? You're probably going "WTF Phelan, isn't that a divine class?"

It is, in fact, not a divine class. It just happens to be in Comp Champion. In those four levels I get alot of very cool stuff starting with all three good saves for four levels plus a d8 HD. In addition (because I'm using the Wee Jas abilities), I get two abilities: Armor of Law and Cloak of Death which gives me temporary immunity to poison, magical sleep, death effects, paralysis, stunning, and disease. See where I'm going with this?

Yes, basically, the idea to render myself immune or resistant to as much as I can along with buffing HP, armor class, and saves.

Which brings me to my feats.

At first level I'm grabbing Draconic Heritage (White) and Combat Casting. Both are required for pretty much everything else I need.

Third level I grab Eschew Materials which I need for Dracolexi.

For 6th level I grab White Dragon Lineage in which I'm able to burn spell slots for Temp HP and Cold Resistance. Fun, eh? So I already have a buffer of HP and then, if/when something carves through that I can burn another spell for Spell Shield.

Seventh level is a bonus feat from Dracolexi which has to be Still Spell. Not great, perhaps, but it's there all the same.

From here on out I'm grabbing alot of Draconic Feats because they're the best way to do the things I want. First up is Draconic Vigor and that heals me whenever I cast an arcane spell (heals equal to spell level) so it's not alot of healing but it's regular enough that I can keep my HP up. Of course this does present a dilemna between casting spells for healing and saving spell slots to burn so I can power my class abilities.

The next draconic feat I get is Draconic Arcane Grace which allows me, as an immediate action, burn a spell slot for a bonus on saving throws -- the reason this is cool is because it's an unnamed bonus which means I could, technically, stack it and Arcane Boost for a truly obscene bonus to my saving throws.

At 15th level I'm grabbing Draconic Toughness which gives me bonus HP -- 2 per draconic feat. I have 5 draconic feats so that's another 10 HP.

And at 18th level? Rapid Metamagic so that I can use Still Spell if I want to and climb into heavier armor. Really, this feat can be anything and I probably should be taking another draconic feat but who cares.

All in all, this sorcerer is a walking fortress able to buff saves, grant himself energy resistance, heal himself when he fucks you up, and shield himself against alot of common ailments on top of having a high armor class and good HP buffered by a fairly large amount of temporary HP.

What do you think?

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