Edward Lives!

Feb 07, 2010 19:47

This was a pet project of mine for my fiance aderangedhyena being based on her Pierce Sniper from MMM Edward Munch (aka Eddie). The entire point of the build was to mimic, as closely as possible, all the elements that made Eddie, well, Eddie.

So, where to start?

Well, Pierce Snipers were known for two things on MMM: Being fucking glass cannons and being pointy. Eddie in specific was also known for being an utterly acrobatic badass nutcase even for a Pierce Sniper.

To that end I went straight for Barbarian because really? It's one of my three favorite classes to abuse (right next to fighter and monk) and in many ways, Eddie is very, very similar to Graul in that they both give up alot of the "standard" Barbarian features for other things. He gives up his DR for the Devil's Luck variant of Barbarian (gaining whatever his DR value would be as a luck bonus to saving throws). Like Graul Eddie sacrifices Improved Uncanny Dodge for Fearsome Gaze because really? Eddie is fucking scary. He also uses the Spell Sense variant because Trap Sense fucking sucks. Unlike Graul though Eddie is keeping fast movement.

But the most important thing Eddie does is to give up regular rage for the Berserker Strength variation and then substitute those bonuses for the Whirling Frenzy bonuses instead.

Complicated ain't it?

In keeping with theme I used Character Flaws as well taking both Frail and Vulnerable (meaning Eddie has a -1 to AC and -1 HP per level) which fits the idea of him being a glass cannon and it helps trip Berserker's Frenzy (as I call it) more often.

1 Barbarian Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Dagger), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
2 Barbarian
3 Barbarian Rapid Shot
4 Barbarian
5 Barbarian
6 Master Thrower Quick Draw, Chaos Rager
7 Master Thrower
8 Master Thrower
9 Master Thrower Snatch Arrows, Improved Two Weapon Fighting
10 Master Thrower
11 Barbarian
12 Barbarian Martial Study (Iron Heart)
13 Barbarian
14 Barbarian
15 Barbarian Martial Stance (Iron Heart)
16 Barbarian
17 Bloodstorm Blade Throw Anything
18 Barbarian Greater Two Weapon Fighting
19 Barbarian
20 Barbarian

So what's going on?

The two levels of Bloodstorm Blade aside Eddie is all about being a Barbarian with a ridiculous number of thrown attacks. It doesn't matter if he's only doing a little bit of damage per hit, it'll add up quickly and that's what Pierce Snipers are all about isn't it? This is done with a combination of Two Weapon Fighting, the best BAB over twenty levels, and Rapid Shot. While he'll never get to the number of attacks someone like Graul can put out, Eddie can still get, before raging, a respectable 8 attacks off every round.

Master Thrower exists to buff his thrown weapon skills, mostly with Deadeye Throw (upping the multiplier to x3) and giving Eddie Evasion and Improved Ciritical with his daggers. The other important weapon trick is Palm Throw. While I can't add precision damage to the attacks or add strength I can still score crits with it and use enhancement bonuses and point blank shot with them. The last trick he'll use is pretty much up for grabs, I didn't really see anything that grabbed my eye; the 5th level of Master Thrower is there for Improved Critical basically.

Bloodstorm Blade is there for Returning Attacks and nothing but. While it takes a while to get there that's just where I put the level, you can shuffle it around and get it eariler if you really want to.


First leve and Eddie has Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and Far Shot. One is for being Human (TWF), one is for being first level (Weapon Focus), two are flaws (Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot).

Third level is Rapid Shot to give me more attacks since that's what Eddie is all about.

6th level and he grabs Quick Draw from Master Thrower and then picks up Chaos Rager so that'll rage better and eliminate most of the levels he's losing to multiclassing.

9th level and I grab both Snatch Arrows thanks to Master Thrower and then Improved Two Weapon Fighitng.

At 12th level Eddie grabs the first requirement for Bloodstorm Blade and picks up Martial Study in some Iron Heart Maneuver. It's not really important which one. The same thing at 15th level, the stance doesn't matter either.

17th level and my first level of Bloodstorm Blade nets me Throw Anything.

And then comes 18th level when I grab Greater Two Weapon Fighting.

While it's not much, the entire build is based around pumping out a massive number of daggers every turn and hoping for a crit or just generally wearing whatever you're fighting down. And, when in doubt, you can stop using Palm Throw to add strength bonus back into damage especially if Berserker's Frenzy trips and you get that +6 to strength from it. And, really, it works because when he rages, Eddie becomes harder to kill due to the sudden increase to AC which fits with the Pierce Sniper idea of them being harder to CSF when they frenzy.

So, vote now:

Siege Engineer, Randal Bernard, Knob, Alikin, Hidden Talent Fighter, Joshua Numenor, Multiterrain Shocktrooper, Ubertrooper, Warblade/Lurk Concept Char, Njal the Warbringer, Kalix of Blade Iron, Balthas Kasra, Marsarlis 113th, Kurth, Alarian Thrakos, Raging Ninja, Tarman Vorse, Urzai Irondancer, Spellsmiter, Elias the Stormwalker, Highlander Build, Original Gideon, Dragonmage, Melee-ist Fighter, Skarn Bloodclaw, Paladin of Revelry, "Standard Fighter", Master of Chains, Shadowhunter, Mounted Archer, Arisias, Whirlwind, Vykes, Anarok Tor, Cerberus Ranger, Kobold Pick Fighter, Magekiller, Ebin, William Corshek, Grappler, Stormlord Cleric, Storm Mage

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