I feel productive!

Aug 03, 2009 15:46

Call PSE&G - make appointment to fix dryer: Wed 8-noon
Call Sears - make appointment to fix refrigerator: Thurs Aug 13 8-noon
Bank of America 2nd Branch
     -drop off check
     -close account - follow up, call CA
Call Smith - make appointment with CDO: Wed @2:30
Call Alison @1pm
     -follow up next Monday @1pm
Return cds and books to library
Complete Sprint Rebate Contract
Call Vietnam Vets Donation Pick up - make appointment: Pickup on Wednesday 8-5
Call AAA - where is my check?
     -follow up after Aug. 30th
Call paving company - make appointment for estimate: Tues @7pm
Wash Car
Find MBTI online
Find Strong Interest Inventory online
Check Idealist.org
Check Indeed.com

Watch "Mrs. Washington Goes to Smith"
Write Review

lists, to do

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