It's so true, too

May 13, 2009 01:03

Misti: scootering is fun! nothing makes a day more joyful than a scooter in the sunshine

Rob: brunch with julie andrews and/or leonard nemoy [sic] (would be better)

Misti: brunch with julie andrews, DINNER with leonard nimoy. I have the feeling that julie would make delightful small talk over scones

Rob: yep. why dinner in all caps with leonard

Misti: just to make sure you knew it wasn't brunch

Rob: ah. why not?

Misti: he WOULDN'T make small talk over scones. Leonard Nimoy does not do small talk. Only deep, soul-searching talk.

Misti: And scones are hardly the appropriate accompaniment to that.

leonard nimoy, rob, conversations

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