Placido Domingo

Mar 09, 2010 01:19

Placido Domingo (69) was discharged Sunday, March 7 from Mount Sinai Hospital

March 8, 2010 - World renown Opera singer, Placido Domingo (69) was discharged Sunday, March 7 from Mount Sinai hospital in New York City after undergoing laparoscopic surgery to successfully remove a localized malignant polyp in his colon, it was announced by his representative Nancy Seltzer.

Mr. Domingo is expected to make a full recovery.

Per his doctors orders Mr. Domingo will rest for 6 weeks. His exact return to his performing engagements remains subject to how fast he can heal and regain his characteristic strength. It is however anticipated that his first singing performance will be in "Simon Boccanegra" at La Scala on April 16, 2010.

He continues his administrative responsibilities as General Director of Los Angeles and Washington National Operas during his recuperation.


02:06 09/03/2010

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 9 мар - РИА Новости, Дмитрий Горностаев. Всемирно известному испанскому тенору Пласидо Доминго проведена успешная операция по удалению злокачественного образования в кишечнике, сообщила в понедельник пресс-секретарь певца Нэнси Сельтцер.

Операцию провели на прошлой неделе врачи нью-йоркской клиники "Маунт Синай", а уже в воскресенье Доминго вышел из больницы и, по заверениям медиков, примерно через полтора месяца должен полностью восстановиться после хирургического вмешательства.

По словам Сельтцер, медики удалили злокачественный полип в кишечнике знаменитости методом лапороскопии, когда пациенту делаются микроскопические разрезы, через которые с помощью видеокамеры хирург проводит операцию. Такой метод позволяет уменьшить вред организму от оперативного вмешательства.

Согласно заявлению пресс-секретаря, уже 16 апреля 69-летний Доминго ожидается в миланской "Ла Скала" с оперой Джузеппе Верди "Симон Бокканегра". Эту же оперу, в которой он исполняет необычную для себя партию баритона, он представлял в Нью-Йорке 6 февраля, после чего отправился в Токио, где через неделю почувствовал боли в области живота, и вернулся в Нью-Йорк для лечения.


Placido Domingo has surgery for colon cancer;
By RONALD BLUM (AP) - 5 hours ago

NEW YORK - Placido Domingo has undergone surgery to remove a cancerous polyp from his colon and is expected to make a full recovery.

Spokeswoman Nancy Seltzer said Monday that the 69-year-old tenor had surgery last week at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York and was released Sunday.

Seltzer says the malignancy was localized. She says Domingo is expected to resume his singing schedule at Milan's Teatro alla Scala on April 16 with a performance of Verdi's "Simon Boccanegra."

In addition to singing and conducting, Domingo will continue as general director of the Los Angeles Opera and the Washington National Opera.


Full recovery expected for Plácido Domingo after removal of malignant polyp in colon

March 8, 2010 |  7:40 am

Plácido Domingo was discharged Sunday from Mount Sinai Hospital of  New York City after successfully undergoing laparoscopic surgery to remove a localized malignant polyp in his colon, his representative Nancy Seltzer announced Monday morning.

The 69-year-old tenor is expected to make a full recovery. He is recuperating in New York.

Per doctor's orders, Domingo will rest for six weeks. His return to performing engagements will depend on how quickly he heals and returns to full strength, Seltzer said.

It is anticipated, she said, that his first singing performance will be in "Simon Boccanegra" at La Scala in Milan, Italy, on April 16.  He also is set to perform in "Die Walküre" as part of Los Angeles Opera's "Ring" cycle starting May 30.

Domingo has missed or would miss scheduled performances in Toyko, London and Berlin.

He has continued his administrative responsibilities as general director of Los Angeles Opera and a similar role with the  Washington National Opera during his recuperation.

Domingo's surgery was scheduled after he experienced physical discomfort and lower abdominal pain for more than a week in February.

-- Sherry Stern

Photo: Noel Vasquez / Getty Images

More in: Los Angeles Opera, New York, Opera, Placido Domingo, Sherry Stern

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