Asdf I can't express enough how I loved the post
singoutloud25 made about Hyunseung ;~;
Go read it now!! *click the sparkliness below!*
And I need to write a few things myself.. because Hyunseung means a lot to me as well. The main reason for this importance is his personality. He has so many traits similar to me and even though I know we can never know the person fully just from shows and everything this impersonal, I just have the feeling he's similar to me. We're both same zodiac signs and I believe I fit my Virgo description way too well (it's kinda scary actually lol).
I'm a perfectionist, I'm never happy with anything I do and always think I can do better. I try hard at things I care about and sometimes I refuse to give up at them (although in many other cases I tend to give up too easily haha). I'm stubborn and in a bad mood when things don't go my way (although people who don't know me too well might be unaware of this, I don't show it openly). I'm very picky. In food and practically everything. Because just as hard as I judge myself I judge others as well. Not a good trait either :/ I live in my own little world, I've been (and hell still am) scolded for this by my mom. I hardly ever notice things around me and sometimes I'm really upset over this stupid trait, I want to be a caring and attentive person... I think about things too much too. And worry. A lot and over every stupid little thing.
And I see these traits in Seungie. I don't know if I'm right or not, just let me believe it 'kay x"D
Oh my and I've just realized that this made me write something more personal about myself on LJ. I don't do it because.. well I don't really know actually. I'm very shy, so that's probably why xD
♥ 장현승 ♥
But why am I doing this when I ought to be writing my paper OTL /goes back to work