Jun 26, 2005 11:15
...strength ...slowly...coming...back....need...eat....more.....
Fucking shit fuck fuck!!! I must've lost like 10lb for that. Bah, still can't eat but trying to force self to, due to not having any strength. Fucking sucks!!! Ate some plums this AM, that helped it seems ^_^
Worse case senario Jess V gave me Mono when she was contagious and didn't know she had it. I do not remember if I drank any of her stuff which makes me nervous, so no one drink anfet me just in case. Best case senerio I'm getting over a case of food poisoning. That is probably what it is, but I'd rather be safe. If it doesn't go away by Tue. I'm gonna see the doctor. Ah well, off to work. Later!