Mar 02, 2010 21:48
I woke up before 9 this morning, which on a day off is pretty damn early for me. (in my defense, my coffeeshop closes at 11 during the week and midnight friday/saturday, so sometimes i get home pretty late from work.) I watched my netflix movie and put it in the mailbox BEFORE the mailman came, so it would get sent out today. then I watched the movie that a friend loaned me over a month ago so i can give it back to him before he moves. then i worked on a knitting project i've been putting off for a few weeks since it involves taking it all apart to undo the mistake three long rows ago. (and ariel, i do know about using a crochet hook to pull up stitches rather than frogging, but this was a mistake involving yarn overs and decreases and i wasn't quite sure i was confident enough to mess with that.) And then i finished the book i was reading. so i felt rather productive despite not leaving the couch for several hours.
then i found out that my friend mike and his girlfriend rachel weren't going to be able to go with me to the book signing of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter tonight since rachel's sick. while i don't mind going alone, it seemed like the kind of thing that would be fun to do with friends. since my friends were all at work or in class, i called jesse and got the phone numbers of his friends paul and ashlen who i see when i hang out with jesse but haven't hung out with on my own yet. ashlen is sick (damn girlfriends) so they couldn't come, but i could tell they were both really flattered that i had thought of them and tried to include them. then i called my friend chandler from work (who was working tonight) and asked for his best friend jordan's number. jordan just got hired at coffee bean also, and on his first day we ended up talking ender's game, robert jordan's wheel of time series and how we both feel absolutely no need to read it, DND, and pancakes. so while i don't know him that well yet, i'm making some pretty safe assumptions that we'll be friends. he said he would have loved to come but he had plans for tonight and couldn't make it. I think he felt pretty spiffy that i'm counting him as a book geek friend, especially with a new job and new coworkers and everything. so that's kinda cool to have made the first overtures of friendship, even if it didn't work out. Avi might have been willing to come with me, but his girlfriend was going to come over tonight and wouldn't make it in time. (again girlfriends!! and she didn't even come in the end.)
and then i went to the vampire hunter book signing and asked 2 questions during the Q&A, and then got complimented by Seth Graham-Smith on my Inigo Montoya hoodie, which was way awesome.
so even tho most of my day was either spent on the couch or playing fruitless phone-tag, i still feel like i got a lot done today. all of the people that i called are people that i would like to see more, and even though tonight didn't work out (and i'm not really surprised, it was crazy short notice) i feel like i made some good starts with people. when i first moved down to LA i was sort of desperate for privacy and my own space, but now that i've been down for a while i'm realizing that what i'm missing right now from my life are friends who i can hang out with for a few hours and then part ways, rather than friends like hillary and jesse who are amazing but sort of all-day commitments. it's nice to feel liek i'm making new friends, even if they're friends of pre-existing friends.