Feb 03, 2005 17:03
CHEM-pop quizz..very easy.then took notes and watched her do a lab thingy.thats it.
HEALTH-talked about some things and jays in our class now!! and paul came to visit =] hehe that was gooood.and Ms.Lednar told paul that spongebob is gay lol cus it was on hys shirt...nd then we had to say things we sat that are nice about friends or family or w.e and jay sed that he complinments me on my beauty lol.=)
GYM-hadta play hockey today =\.butt it was funny cus me and anthony were goofin around and he got waked in the shin wit a stick lolol and fell on the ground nd was yelln at the gurl haha..and i had to b goaly =( it was scary.but jen protected me =) lol and Mr. Ross was lyk THANX SWEETIE FOR BEIN GOALY lol.hes great.
AP-borinnng...current events and..thats about it.
LUNCH-same as always.
ENGLISH-we got seatin plans..ick..and she put me rite up front but then got moved to the way bak..which was near briana and amanda but george and andy are gone =\.then we dyd a quiz and i got a 91.and then we were readn but not really cus we were supposed to be but we were all juss jokn around and briana kept givn andy wedgies lol and he was walkn funny.it was great.
AFTER SKOOL-went to bris! we had fun today.we were jammn to music and dancin "YEA U KNO U LIKE THAT" lmaoooo the funniest thing everrr haha bri.and i almost fell down the stairs and we were wrestlin and she almost wacked my head on a desk but she didnt. and i talked to alan <3 a bit..im not goin to karate so i cant see hym =(.then i hadta go and me and bri were puttn on dresses and her dress squished my bOobs and shes goin i look flat in thys!! lol and shes pushn her boobs goin they shud b up here!! lol i love her.then sadly i had to leave cus my evil mother came to get me.and 2nite im not doin nethyn else..soo thats it...leave a comment.
-alan i love youu,i wish i cud c u 2nite =\ i miss ya-
tHe 1 .&. on|y_DeAnNa<3xOoX