Sep 16, 2004 19:02
I think I finally got this accounting homework on pat, it takes time and ALOT of effort but I think I got the adjusting entries.... 10-15 hours a week of studying and doing homework in just one class is real annoying but as it gets easier to me I'll like doing it awhole lot more!!!!
I have a real estate project (offer to purchase) thing that is due in 2 weeks so I think this girl Michelle is coming over this weekend to work on it, and if we don't get all or most of it done well have next week or next weekend to finish it!!!
My brother is taking my mother and I to Chicago this weekend to go to IKEA so I can pick something out as a house warming gift!!! I really need alot of picture frames and pics period to hang on the wall (my walls are naked!!!)... I like mirrors and they always make a room look bigger and more elegant, so I might just get me some mirror stuff!!! PICS OF MY HOUSE COMING SOON!!! STAY POSTED!!!
My landlord has got someone coming over from Sears tomorrow to see about the dryer and why it takes hours for my clothes to dry... HOPEFULLY I don't have to buy a new one or have to go to the laundrymat, she said if the washer/dryer break she doesn't buy new ones but it is included in the rent so I don't know... I could find a little cheap used one I guess (BUT THEN IT'S MINE TO KEEP!!!) and this one has to sit high on a ledge so I need the buttons on the front instead of on top... AND it has to be a top loader so it can fit in the back hallway!! OH WELL.....
There was something else I wanted to write but I forgot now, so when and if I remember I'll get back on here.... Other than that I am off to go braid some hair tonight in WAUKESHA I need to make some quick extra money!!!!!