There are times I think astrology is just a bunch of bunk. Other times, like this, I find it to be very interesting. Here is the most recent post from
_sagittarius. I am copying into my journal so I don't lose it if the group gets deleted. After reading this, let me know if you thinks this has any relaationship to how you see me. Also, FYI my b-day is December 19.
Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp (December 19-25) Detailed Profile
Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp (December 19-25)
The Cusp of Prophecy
The Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp can be symbolically likened to the period around sixty-three years of age in the human life and also marks the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere. During this period most of the land lies fallow, some animals go into hibernation, the winds blow cold, and on the winter solstice, the night is longer and the day is shorter than at any other time in the year. This is the time at which druids at Stonehenge made astronomical observations and prophecies, and when fortunes were often cast. Indeed the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp may be said to represent Prophecy.
In human development, at this juncture in life, middle age is drawing to a close and old age is about to begin. The emerging elder must face a time when traditionally his/her usefulness to the material world has lessened. However, the individual’s usefulness in the spiritual sense may increase greatly, as a mentor and inspiration to others. The days that comprise this cusp exemplify some of the manifestations of Prophecy (using wisdom to look into the future), where the visionary, intuitive Sagittarius nature combines with the pragmatic, empirical nature of Capricorn.
Sagittarius-Capricorns are influenced by both the planet Jupiter (ruler of fiery Sagittarius) and Saturn (ruler of earthy Capricorn). The energies of these two planets are diametrically opposed: Jupiter stands for expansion, jollity and optimism, Saturn for contraction, seriousness and realism. A kind of push-pull effect is at work in the personalities of the unusual individuals born on this cusp - they may want to have fun, for example (Jupiter) but be too serious to do so (Saturn). Conversely, on another occasion, they may set out to buckle down to the job at hand (Saturn) but be lured by a new horizon (Jupiter). The more successful Sagittarius-Capricorns are able to integrate both these influences in their personalities.
The fiery and earthy natures of Sagittarius-Capricorns speak of highly developed faculties of intuition and sensation, respectively, but do not necessarily point to either a strong mental or a strong emotional orientation. Those born on this cusp are consequently at their best when trusting their hunches and their five senses, particularly sight and hearing. Their articulation and expression of their thoughts and feelings may be more problematical. Ultimately, the development of extrasensory abilities, or even a single sixth sense, is often the most unique and remarkable quality that those born on the Cusp of Prophecy can offer to the world.
Masters of the art of silence, those born on the Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp have no need for speech to get their point across. It is often hard for them to get what they have to say into writing, or express it over the phone, and they may consequently feel that they have to deliver their messages in person. Whether happy, seductive, threatening or punishing, Sagittarius-Capricorns make their moods known very unambiguously, leaving little if any doubt about how they feel.
Those born on this cusp are at their best when they are confident of their powers but at the same time kind and understanding to others. They are at their worst when they feel self-pity, usually a result of worldly failure or of personal rejection. In some Sagittarius-Capricorns, feelings of hurt or frustration about something they are convinced they can do nothing about are psychologically gratifying, relieving them of the responsibility of taking positive action. In others, a militant attitude may be engendered when suppressed feelings burst forth and cause trauma. Put to a positive use, however, such energies can achieve creative and remarkable results.
Cassandra-like, those born on the Cusp of Prophecy do not expect to be liked by other people, although it often happens that they are. Being independent of the approval of others gives Sagittarius-Capricorns a power and freedom that many lack. On the other side of the coin, they may themselves like few of the people they meet, and may thus be seen as antisocial. There is generally speaking only one requirement for being a close friend to a Sagittarius-Capricorn, besides the fact that you like them: you must accept them without reservation for what they really are. Those born on this cusp have their antennae out to detect when others are flattering them or simply being polite, which doesn’t cut the cake. Consequently, only a few individuals manage to get close to most Sagittarius-Capricorns.
For some Sagittarius-Capricorns there is a danger in all this, namely that, like children, they will repeat the somewhat exaggerated words “No one likes me” and will set up this motto as a self-fulfilling prophecy. They can make it come true by neglecting their physical appearance or, as adolescents, by being unresponsive. Many teenagers born on the Cusp of Prophecy appear quite introverted, and those who are more extroverted may have a greater need for recognition and approval - or, perversely, for rejection. Most often it is actions rather than words that are so outrageously expressed.
Those born on the Cusp of Prophecy may have rough childhoods due to conflicts with their parents, most often with the parent of the same sex. They themselves can make attentive and generous parents, but some run the risk, through identification, of making precisely the same mistakes their own parents did. Strong ties with siblings or other family members often carry over into adult life, however, and the success of these fraternal bonds may make those born in this week very comfortable relating to those younger than themselves as equals.
The deep, passionate natures and highly sexual orientation of those born on this cusp can bind others to them magnetically. Friends and lovers of certain Sagittarius-Capricorns understand their need to be alone, and often gain great satisfaction from sharing a private or secluded life with them. Partners of the more outgoing Sagittarius-Capricorns, on the other hand, often provide a link between them and the world, and bring them out of their shell. The joy gained in watching a Sagittarius-Capricorn bloom socially may be considerable. Only one warning: there is always a chance that, Pygmalion-like, the partner who goes to this effort may finally be rejected when the Sagittarius-Capricorn “fair lady” (or gentleman) comes down off her or his pedestal and says good-bye.