As an organization develops, it must take into account the members of the organization and the various level of competency within them. In general competency is defined as The state of being competent; fitness; ability; adequacy; power.1 However in an organization context is means more. Whereas skills alone often imply tasks and activities for
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If they spell out the goals, they will be lead to setting up metrics that may challenge and even exclude people. When those people realize this, they will cry foul and try to invoke some sort of morality to negate the judgments. Anticipating this, I think the leaders are reluctant to set goals and be explicit about sacrifices. Unfortunately for them, their lack of leadership in this area alienates others - many of them the people best suited to aid the leaders in their ambitions.
It's a paradox, but it seems to me to be one that is easily resolvable - but only if you are firm in your ambitions. Are the leaders really that firm? Time will tell...
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