It's always so odd to be exhausted but have no terribly good reason why. Even after an hour-long nap earlier this afternoon I'm ~still~ feeling bushed...
Anyway, Saturday night's birthday party for Dad went well. My sister, Kim and Kevin joined Dad and the rest of us for dinner at the Asylum. Much laugher, extraordinarily inappropriate dinner conversation and good food. Bonnie and I even baked a cake and decorated it with a guitar made out of icing ;) I think one of the most amusing moments of the evening was shortly after Dad arrived at the house. He brought Kai, our dog, with him. Sebastian, Bonnie's kitten, does great with other cats but didn't know what to make of Kai and found him rather alarming. For the record, Kai is large, noisy, overenthusiastic and not terribly bright. Yes, he is a lab mix, how did you know? heh. So Kai scented Sebastian and ran up to him. Sebastian in turn attempted to climb to the top of one of our dining room windows. Poor cat--was totally terrorized and had poofed out his fur. We ended up putting he and the girls up in our bedroom for the duration of Kai's visit. When I checked on them later in the evening, Sebastian was hunkered down in the sink in the master bath, still looking rather alarmed.
Woke up this morning around 9:30 or so and went to the grocery store to get supplies for our usual Sunday morning breakfast. Made food, everyone ate, then we loaded up and went to practice. Wrap-up of that is in
Came home, crashed for a while. Woke up and began creation of dinner. We decided to go vegetarian today--did a rosemary pasta with potatoes julienne, steamed broccoli and salad. Also began planning this week's menu.
That's pretty much it--rather quiet weekend by our standards ;) Kind of a nice change, though. Hope you're all doing well :)