So we love curry and other spicy foods here at the Asylum. I know some of you share our culinary tendencies, so when I find a particularly wonderful recipe, I like to share it. This one is from Joy of Cooking. It's actually supposed to be done with lamb, but I used beef.
Drain, reserving the juice, and coarsely chop:
One 28-oz can whole tomatoes
Heat in a Dutch oven over medium heat:
1/4 cup vegetable oil
Add and cook, stirring, until softened and evenly golden brown, 5 to 7 minutes:
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
Increase the heat to medium high and add and cook, stirring, for 30 seconds
2 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp ground coriander
2 tsp minced garlic
2 tsp peeled fresh ginger
1 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp ground red pepper
Add 1/2 cup of the chopped tomato and 1/4 cup of the tomato juice along with:
1.5 lbs stew meat, trimmed and cut into cubes
Simmer, stirring occasionally, until the liquid is cooked down and thickened slightly, 5 to 7 minutes. Stir in remaining tomatoes and juice. Season with:
3/4 tsp salt
Cover and reduce the heat to maintain a simmer. Cook until the meat is tender, 45 to 60 minutes (I let it go for a few hours). 10 minutes before serving, uncover and increase heat to simmer briskly until the sauce is cooked down and thickened.
Serve over rice.
Simply wonderful. If you like cilantro, it's even better with coriander-mint chutney.