I love my band. We can't get together while there are instruments in the vicinity and not mess around with them. And it's funny how many songs emerge from directionless jamming...
We spent the weekend at
idragosani 's place. We'd intended to build the sound booths on Saturday, but Home Despot didn't have some of the parts we needed (even though they'd previously told us they did--bastards), so we ended up just hanging out on Saturday. The boys had started lightly beering (we all took it easy this weekend--Brigid's Faire weekend's going to last me for quite some time) shortly after returning from HD and while
scorpionrose and I made dinner, they started jamming on something very dark and moody. And we know how much I love dark and moody ;) I went and sat downstairs and listened to the groove for a while, kind of praying for the door to open. Fortunately for me, She was feeling generous that night and some lyrics spilled out across the page. So, once again, we have a new song. It's called 'Walk on By.' Has a bit of a dark electronica feel to it with a sexy groove. We established a pattern with it enough to be able to recreate it at practice the next day, then went and ate. That night we watched Baron Munchausen on Brett's home theater and I think
whiteknucklejoe was thoroughly confused. I enjoyed the heck out of it, though...one of my favorite movies. I'm kind of a Terry Gilliam junkie...
After the movie, about one in the morning, we realized there was enough snow to go sledding on! So, very silly sledding in the dark was had by all. We have one confirmed kill--Joe did something to his shoulder that meant he couldn't move his arm early this morning. Seems to be feeling a bit better now, though, so we're hoping it was nothing serious. Probably just hit a rock or something...
This morning Bonnie and I made a run to the grocery store around 8:30 to get breakfast supplies, then came home and cooked breakfast. Everyone got showered and changed and we went out to take advantage of the snow with a photo shoot. Got some good pics--this new icon is one of the results (thank you, Bonnie!). I'll try to load a few online so you guys can see them later this week. Jay's working on the web page upstairs and some of the pics are going on that as well. Hopefully will have cassandrasyndrome.com online soon...
Came home, changed into dry, warm clothes and proceeded to practice. We ran Autumn Wind and Burning, then tinkered around with the ending on Soma. My voice coach had some suggestions that proved quite good indeed. Then we hammered out Walk on By. Goddess among us, I love that song. We still need to find a good intro, but everything else is done. I love the ending--we transition out of the bridge into this wonderful dark jam that accelerates into a frenzy. Heck, right now I love everything about the song. Definitely have new song syndrome really, really bad...
So yes. A good weekend. Beer, Song, Show, Snow. Rock on.
Edited To Add: I took a bath after posting this. Had a nice long soak with Esoterica's new Purification bath salts, then went upstairs to change into PJs. Our tub drains a bit slowly--we have an old house. Jianna, the Kitten of Mass Destruction, apparently thought the tub was empty when there was still a good 8 inches of water in it. She now smells like lavender. ;)