I have additional proof of just how nerdy I am. Frederick is switching over to much larger recycling bins and a one-stream recycling approach. I'm very happy about this. I happened to see one of the city trucks dropping off the new bins at one of the streets in my development and had a mental 'OOOooooh! How cool!'
So, does anyone out there have any photos of Jay and I together? We've tended to be the ones behind the camera over the years and I actually have very few pictures of us looking couple-y. My cousins and I are pooling photos for my Grandfather for Christmas and putting them in a digital frame. Please let me know if you've got anything that won't make an 87-year-old-man's hair stand on end.
Speaking of photos that make one's hair stand on end, here's a link to photos from this year's Yukwanhaniramadas Stocking party courtesy of
spiralshell :) 32 stockings this time...