You know how when you're really excited about something happening in a few hours, the time twixt now and then creeps by at slightly less than a snail's pace?
So here's a meme I liberated from my geshmester,
Bloggers must post these rules and provide eight random facts about themselves. In the post, the tagged blogger tags eight other bloggers and notify them that they have been tagged.
1. I have a self-destructive streak. Not a self-defeating or mildly self-injuring one, either. Whenever I'm in a truly dangerous situation, where I might be at risk of death or dismemberment, I get this rediculous grin on my face and have a hard time not giggling. I don't seek out such situations, but I'm obscenely delighted when they do occur.
2. There is a small spot on my chest that completely lacks pigment. Like a reverse freckle or something.
3. I have habit books and habit movies. I read and re-read/watch and re-watch them over and over again. I've probably read David Gemmel's 'The Swords of Night and Day' about 20 times now...
4. My hair is about three inches shorter and several shades redder than it was yesterday.
5. I'm a fairly tidy person with the exception of two things--I leave cups and glasses all over the place (I'm constantly losing my drink, so I go get another one rather than find the original) and I hate emptying the trash can. ::begins mental recitation of Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout::
6. I retain a rediculous amount of useless information.
7. One of my cats (Jianna) sleeps in my hair.
8. I hate the color pink.
Do it if you want to--I know some of you actually have better stuff to do than list random facts ;)
Also, those of you who drive in Virginia a lot might want to
look at this.