Wow, that was FUN! Had a great time at
DC Midnight last night. Danced my tush off. Forgot how much I love doing that... If I go back every weekend, I'll lose 20 lbs....anyway... It was awesome to see so many friends--thanks to
seraphbriar and everyone else for coming out! I was DD, so I actually do not have a hangover. It's interesting, though, since it has caused me to discover that my post-binge morning cleaning frenzy is apparently actually related just to being up late, not alcohol. I always thought it was--perhaps some sort of self-enforced penance for getting drunk? But evidently not. So the kitchen is now clean :)
Anyway, DC Midnight was awesome--great music, fun people. I'm looking forward to our show there on May 5th :D
We've got practice in about 20 minutes. It's Keyster, so
ckackley has family stuff in the afternoon/evening, hence the early start.
Also, I need a favor from some of my local friends. Next Sunday evening, I'm installing the carpet in the classroom at
Esoterica. I could use a few strong backs to assist with the endeavor.
foresides has all the necessary equipment and will supervise :)
And I guess that's it. Hope you all have a good Undead Jesus day ;)