Irene Caesar, Ph.D. formulated a new principle for social philosophy -- the holographic principle for the globalization. Here, she explains this principle, using her artwork "In Principio Erat Verbum", as a metaphor.
From September 17 to October 16, 2011, Irene Caesar's artwork "In Principio Erat Verbum" participated in the Art Festival: "HUMAN RIGHTS?", which was organized by the Spazio Tempo Arte and the Peace Bell Foundation - "Opera Campana dei caduti Maria Dolens". The Festival was sponsored by the Council of Europe, Amnesty International, and was one of the events of the European Democracy Week.
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Irene Caesar on the Holographic principle for the Globalization:
“My artwork “In Principio Erat Verbum" belongs to the series "A New History of Ideas in Pictures”.”
“The series consists of role-games -- absurd performances documented by photography.”
“Each artwork in the series puts to the test some major concept of human civilization, enacting this concept in a role game.”
“The ultimate purpose of my role games is to determine the existential outcome of this or that concept, that is, whether it causes human suffering, and, so, whether we do really need to live according to this concept.”
“That is why the entire series is a meditation on the different aspects of human rights.”
“My artwork "In Principio Erat Verbum" depicts how two hands, one female, one male, aggressively stretch girl’s lips in opposite directions to make her mouth wide open for a scream.”
“This phrase means in Latin “In the Beginning was The Word”.”
“I wanted to create a metaphor for the struggle between the individual and the collective in search for the individual self-expression.”
“But my artwork is not anti-collectivist in Ayn Rand’s sense. The mouth of the girl is so wide open, that she might very well give birth to a child through her throat.”
“We are all collective animals, said Aristotle, and we can speak only because we need to share.”
“I find the anti-collectivism of Ayn Rand laughable, regressive, and even criminal.”
“Through the lips of her heroine, she said she would destroy her favorite masterpiece of art to avoid sharing it with the other human beings.”
“And I find it deeply disturbing that collectivism became a curse-word in the US.”
“I believe that this is a conscious and intentional subversion by the ruling class, which itself always exhibited a remarkable will for self-systematization.”
“Free market is a fairy-tale for those without family connections.”
“And even during the climax of the so-called “free market” in the times of industrialization, the industrialists Ford, Carnegie and a few others created their private “collective” network.”
“They even believed in the so-called “master mind” (Napoleon Hill) -- the mind, which they shared collectively, on the conscious and sub-conscious levels.”
“They were convinced that their collective “master mind” made them more powerful than each one of them was on one’s own.”
“indeed, Aristotle was correct that the effectively functioning society is a systematic whole. In the classical Greece, a citizen put the interests of his tribe above his own egoistical interests.”
“That was the spirit of heroism for the sake of the motherland.”
“Hegel borrowed this idea from Aristotle -- with his own aberrations, and Marx and Hitler borrowed this idea from Hegel -- also with their own aberrations.”
“And so, it became the idea of national or international socialism. But Hegel, as the intermediary link, missed the main point of Aristotle’s principle of systematicity. Hegel missed Aristotle’s holographic principle.”
“And Hegel’s mistake screwed up the socialism of Marx and Hitler.”
“According to Aristotle, the systematic whole of the healthy society (polis) is holographic. Each family is a miniature reproduction of the entire society -- the whole is entirely in its every part, and, so, every part of the whole is self-sufficient.”
“Aristotle applied the holographic principle systematically. His was the unity of cosmos, polis and psyche. According to Aristotle, man is a microcosm.”
“Man is one’s own end. But to live for one’s sake is to live for the sake of polis and cosmos. This was the point that Ayn Rand completely missed.”
“Man who does not care for cosmos and polis, is a slave by nature.”
“It is ignoble to live for the sake of egoistic gain - for example, to be engaged in money-making, said Aristotle.”
“The more man gets disinterestedly engaged with the whole of the polis (and cosmos), the more individual he becomes.”
“Individualism, i.e., one’s disengagement from the systematic whole of the polis, is the worst violation of the individual freedom.”
“Individualism is the loss of individuation.”
“Indeed, this is a view radically different from Thomas Hobbs’ belief that man is a wolf to his fellow man.”
“An egoist of Ayn Rand’s or Hobbs’ making is not properly human.”
“Quantum physics completely supports Aristotle’s holographic principle.”
“Quantum entanglement and non-locality is the entanglement of any particle with any other particle and all the particles in the infinity.”
“Because the universe is entirely in its every point, every point is not simply different, but is unique.”
“If every man represents in miniature the entire cosmos, we cannot say that any man is by nature lower, or higher than any other man, or that some man has the special blue blood that entitles him to be a monarch.”
“The holographic principle implies that every one can come to the realization of the truth on his own -- a priori -- independently of education, initiation and hierarchy.”
“On the contrary, the hierarchy destroys the holographic principle, and, hence, it destroys individuation. Hierarchy transforms men into machines.”
“The holographic principle guarantees that a mature free man (a head of a clan) has a clear understanding of the entire society as a system.”
“This became a philosophical basis for the elective monarchy of Byzantium, which lasted for around 1000 years, and was the most stable social system so far.”
“An oligarch of any clan could have become an elected Emperor of the multinational empire -- even a butcher, or a swineherd.”
“I believe we need to develop Aristotle’s argument in order to create the correct model for globalization.”
“We seek for globalization in order to create a systematic whole out of geopolitical chaos.”
“But the systematic whole should be holographic. This means that every part of it -- every country -- should be self-sufficient.”
“In Ancient Greece, the slavery insured that every family or clan was economically self-sufficient, meaning they produced by themselves their first necessity products.”
“Now, the commercialization of the quantum technologies should provide for the prosperity for all, and, thus, self-sufficiency of any country within the global whole.”
“Alas, Hegel’s notions of hierarchy and progress destroyed Aristotle’s holographic principle.”
“That is why we see the insurmountable contradiction between the individual and society as a whole in the socialism of Marx and Hitler.”
“The loss of the holographic principle made socialism into totalitarianism with its gross loss of individuation.”
“Now one is wondering: what is worse - the loss of individuation via the hierarchical alienation or the loss of individuation via the totalitarian equality.”
“If the holographic principle is destroyed, the political and social norms become some programming codes that function already on the subconscious level, and are not human any longer.”
“These codes represent some wave forms of intellection that properly belong not to humans, but to bee-hive or ant-hill.”
“Animals are exemplary cyborgs -- they are the most perfect machines than man would ever be able to produce.”
“The preeminence of subconscious coding over the conscious choice pertains both to traditionalism (fascism of tradition) and to futurism (fascism of fashion), and both to totalitarian collectivism and to individualism.”
“The conscious choice is the manifestation of individuation. While the preeminence of subconscious coding over the conscious choice is the manifestation of the broken systematic whole.”
“Nature is not only the perfect machine. It is also the perfect Hell.”
“Individualism is the regression to the level of inhuman nature. An individualist is the manifestation of the beast.”
“Individualism is the most extreme manifestation of the control that the collective sub-consciousness yields over the individual.”
“At the same time, totalitarian socialism is always based on the cult of one person.”
“The strongest individualist builds for himself a nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia. This is a curse of Ayn Rand and Joseph Stalin.”
“Now, we contemplate in the West this complete collapse of individualism and collectivism, merging together into the corporate fascism. The collective mind is now not simply a hive subconsciousness, impersonal and insect-like.”
“It becomes cyber-based, post-human. Ray Kurzweil and Peter Thiel have already proclaimed that humans are inferior to computers, and their only chance of survival is to merge with machines.”
“But they do not understand that the infinity cannot be hand-made. Aristotle is completely right that cosmos is uncreated. Indeed, the so-called “big bang” poses a dilemma regarding the space, inside of which it happened.”
“The uncreated nature characterizes not only the cosmos, but also the human intellect. According to the holographic principle, the human intellect contains the entire infinity inside itself.”
“When man is thinking of infinity, he is literally producing the infinite wave.”
“The uncreated status of human intellect is the other word for the quantum non-locality and infinite entanglement.”
“In opposition to the human, uncreated intellect, the artificial or hand-made intellect is a limited or finite intellect in virtue of definition.”
“The artificial intellect is and will always be inferior to human intellect.”
“That is why Peter Thiel’s plans for creating cyborgs and merging with cyborgs are suicidal not only for humankind, but also for any sentient life on the planet Earth.”
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