November 27, 2014
Essay is written in English and in Russian / Эссе написано по-английски и по-русски
That is, the Ashkenazi-Khazars are not just limited in their understanding. Ashkenazi-Khazars are an obstacle for humanity in making the Quantum Leap.
That is why the Ashkenazi-Khazars are the evil of human civilization, which must be neutralized. This evil should be neutralized In no event by the reciprocal genocide. Ashkenazi Khazars, with their false and malicious history, with their false and malicious geopolitics, with their false and malicious science, with their false and malicious art, must be, first and foremost, neutralized financially.
When the Rothschilds and other members of the Council of the 13th Khazar Bankers will lose control over the Central Banks of the world, the children of Khazars will not go any longer to Yale, Harvard and Columbia University. The US will no longer spend 3 billion a year for the support of Israel. And Russia will not pay 1 billion per day, and China 16 billion a day of tribute to the USA, so that the USA would plant the harmful art, the harmful science and the harmful politics - the politics of the global Khazar genocide.
Together with the collapse of the dollar, there will be a collapse of the Ashkenazi dreams for the construction of the Global Zion / the World Khazaria - the Turkish Empire of the degenerates who destroy the legacy of their ancestors, and desecrate the graves of their Turkish pea-fathers and Russian pra-mothers.
То есть, Ашкеназы-Хазары не просто ограничены в своём понимании. Ашкеназы-Хазары являются препятствием для совершения человечеством Квантового Скачка.
Поэтому Ашкеназы-Хазары - это зло человеческой цивилизации, которое должно быть нейтрализовано. Ни в коем случае ответным геноцидом. Ашкеназы-Хазары с их ложной и вредоносной историей, с их ложной и вредоносной геополитикой, с их ложной и вредоносной наукой, с их ложным и вредоносным искусством, должны быть, в первую очередь, нейтрализованы финансово.
Когда Ротшильды и остальные члены Совета 13ти Хазарских Банкиров потеряют контроль над центральными банками стран мира, дети Хазар уже не пойдут в Йель, Гарвард и Колумбийский Университет. США уже не будет тратить по 3 млд в год на поддержку Израиля. А Россия не будет уже платить по 1 млд. в день, а Китай по 16 млд. в день дани США, чтобы США насаждали вредоносное искусство, вредоносную науку, и вредоносную политику - политику глобального Хазарского геноцида.
Вместе с долларом рухнут мечты Ашкеназов на возведение Глобального Сиона / Мировой Хазарии - турецкой империи дегенератов, которые разрушают наследие своих предков, и надругиваются над могилами своих турецких пра-отцов и русских пра-матерей.
-- Menachem Mendel Schneerson … is the Messiah, the herald of the global genocide from Chabad. ---- Менахем Мендель Шнеерсон …. мессия, глашатай глобального геноцида от Хабада
And that’s when the world will finally learn that all of Israel is covered with swastikas of the Ruso-Aryan culture, and the most ancient city of Palestine (Pale-Stan - the Burnt Stan of the Ruso-Aryan Cossacks) is Scythopolis built by the Ruso-Aryans in 4000 BC, and which is called now by the Khazars infamously as Beth She ‘an, although the Negroid Tribe of Seth came to Samaria not earlier than the 7th century BC.
The world will finally learn at once that the true, Negroid Jews of the Old Testament were so primitive when they crossed on foot the shallow Sea of Reeds from the Land of Seth (Upper Egypt) into the Sinai, that they did not even have their own written language, and they used our Russian-Aryan Runes in order to create their own written language - Hebrew. All Paleo-Hebrew is written with our light Russian-Aryan Runes.
So not only Hebrew is immeasurably more recent than the Russian-Aryan written language, which is already dated 70,000 BC in the excavations at Kostenki (near Voronezh), but it is also much primitive - just 22 letters compared with 60 (49 in the 18th century) letters of the Russian-Aryan alphabet. And even in its modern truncated form, the Russian alphabet has 33 letters.
И вот тогда мир наконец узнает, что весь Израиль покрыт свастиками Русо-Арийской культуры, а самый древний город Палестины (Палёного Стана Русо-Арийских казаков) - Скифополис, построенный русо-ариями в 4000 до н.э., и который Хазары теперь позорно называют Beth She’an, хотя негроиное племя Сета пришло в Самарию не ранее, чем 7 век до н.э.
Мир тогда узнает наконец, что подлинные негроидные евреи Ветхого Завета были так примитивны, когда они пересекли вброд мелкий Пролив Тростника из Земли Сет (Верхний Египет) в Синай, что у них не было даже своей письменности, и они использовали наши русо-арийские руны, чтобы создать свою письменность - иврит. Весь Палео-Иврит написан нашими русо-арийскими рунами.
Так что иврит не только неизмеримо позднее русо-арийской письменности, которая исчисляется уже 70,000 до н.э. в раскопках в Костенках (под Воронежом), но и гораздо примитивнее - всего 22 буквы по сравнению с 60 (49 в 18 веке) буквами русо-арийской письменности. И даже в современном усечённом виде, русский язык насчитывает 33 буквы.
-- Kostenki - Russian-Aryan writing 40,000-70,000 BC ---- Костенки - русо-арийские письмена 40,000-70,000 до н.э.
In the picture is the Russian-Aryan alphabet from Kostenki (near Voronezh), dated 42,000 years BC, but it should be dated much earlier, since the Rousseau Stone with the Russian-Aryan alphabet, found in Minnesota in the USA in the early 20th century, is dated 200,000 BC.
На картинке: русо-арийский алфавит из Костенок (под Воронежом) - датирован 42,000 лет до н.э, но должен быть датирован гораздо древнее, так как Камень Руссо с русо-арийским алфавитом, найденный в Штате Миннесота в США в начале 20 века, датирован 200,000 до н.э.
Read more here / Читайте больше здесь:веды-и-йогу-создали-русские/русо-арийскaя-империя-великая-татария/ -- In 1911 Kiev, Russia, one of the most notorious Jewish ritual murders occurred. An young child by the name of Andrei Youshchinsky was sacrificed by Menachem Mendel Beiliss. ---- В 1911 году в Киеве, Россия, произошло одно из самых жутких еврейских ритуальных убийств. Маленький ребенок по имени Андрей Ющинский был принесен в жертву Менахемом Менделем Бейлисом.
-- Sacrifice of Andrei Youshchinsky by Jews in 1911 Kiev, Russia. ---- Жертвопиношение Андрея Ющиского в Киеве, Россия, в 1911 году.
-- Sacrifice of Andrei Youshchinsky by Jews in 1911 Kiev, Russia. ---- Жертвопиношение Андрея Ющиского в Киеве, Россия, в 1911 году.
Internet got filled with the pseudo-Russian pseudo-nationalist websites and blogs of Angel Esterhazy, aka Vladimir Hlynin, a Canadian citizen and Mossad / MI6 agent, the coordinator of the Khazar war against Russia. for the purpose of fomenting the so-called “Patriotic Maidan” in Russia. Inciting hatred against “the Jews” is a favorite pastime of Mossad agents and the tactics of the World Zionism. But Russians REFUSE to hate “Jews.” Ashkenazim (92% of the world Jewry) are Turks from Russian pra-mother, according to their own genetic research. No, they are not “reptilians”; they are precisely the Turks with the Turkish bazaar. And their claims to being “God’s chosen people” are laughable. We, Russians, laugh at their pretenses, and we will nationalize their Central Bank in Russia. The purpose of the infamous Anti-Semitic videos and other materials by Mossad / CIA / MI6 is to precisely distract from the real goal of the National Liberation Movement in Russia - the NATIONALIZATION of the Central BANK.
Khazars should abandon the Cult of Seth. They should return to the Russian-Aryan family. Khazars should cherish their Aryan legacy. Khazars should worship their Russian pra-mother, and serve Russia.
Интернет заполнился псевдо-русскими псевдо-националистическими сайтами и блогами Ангела Эстерхази, ака Владимира Хлынина, гражданина Канады и агента Моссада / МИ6, координатора Хазарской войны против России для целей разжигания т.н. “Патриотического Майдана” в России. Разжигание ненависти к “евреям” - это излюбленнейшее занятие агентов Моссада и тактика Мирового Сионизма. Но русские ОТКАЗЫВАЮТСЯ ненавидеть “евреев”. Ашкеназы (92% мирового еврейства) - турки от русской пра-матери по своим же генетическим исследованиям. Нет, не “рептилоиды”, а именно - турки с турецким базаром. И их претензии на “богоизбранность” смехотворны. Мы, русские, СМЕЁМСЯ над их претензиями, и НАЦИОНАЛИЗИРУЕМ их центро-банк в России. Цель гнусных антисемитских роликов и остальных материалов Моссада / ЦРУ / МИ6 - именно отвлечь от подлинной задачи национально-освободительного движения в России - НАЦИОНАЛИЗАЦИИ ЦЕНТРО-БАНКА.
Хазары должны отвергнуть культ Сета. Они должны вернуться в русско-арийскую семью. Хазары должны дорожить своим Арийским наследием. Хазары должны поклоняться своей русской пра-матери, и служить России.
BIBLIOGRAPHY:,%20Chapter%207.htmVideo: Oprah Winfrey - “Interview With Rachael” (Vicki Polin) - The Jewish God Is Satan - Ritual Sacrifice Of Babies - Worshiping The Devil - Mind Control - Multiple Personalities
If you tube ever removes this video you can watch and download it from here (Windows Media Player): -----------------
Watch David Rockefeller speaks about population control at the UN Ambassadors’ Dinner “Ironically however, the very innovations that are making possible dramatic improvements in human well-being are also creating new problems which raise the spectre of an alarming and possibly catastrophic disaster to the biosphere we live in. And herein lies the dilemma that we all face. Let me illustrate. Improved public health, has caused the world’s infant mortality rate to decline by 60 percent over the last 40 years. In the same period, the world’s average life expectancy has increased from 46 years in 1950s to 63 years today. This is a development which as individuals we can only applaud. However the result of these positive measures is that the world population that has risen during the same short period of time geometrically to almost 6 billion people, and can exceed easily 8 billion by the year 2020. The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary eco-systems is becoming appallingly evident. The rapid growing exploitation of the world’s supply of energy and water is a matter of deep concern. And the toxic by products of widespread industrialization and increased atmospheric pollution to dangerous levels. Unless nations will agree to work together to tackle these cross-border challenges posed by population growth over consumption of resources and environmental degradation, prospects for a decent life on our planet will be threatened. The recent UN meeting in Cairo is appropriately focussed on one of these key issues, population growth. But the controversies which have erupted at the conference illustrate the problem of coming to grips with issues that are deeply divisive and which have a profound moral dimension. The United Nations can and should play an essential role in helping the world find a satisfactory way of stabilizing the world population and stimulating economic development in a manner that is sensitive to religious and moral considerations. Economic growth is of course an inevitable corollary of a growing population, and is essential to improved standards of living. But without careful coordination, unrestrained economic growth poses further threats to our environment. This was a major subject of discussion at the conference in Rio de Janeiro on the environment two years ago. The focus then was on sustainable growth, and global development. [Agenda 21] It was pointed out at the conference that growth is most efficiently managed by the private sector, but regulation of the process by national governments and international bodies is also needed. And once again, United Nations can certainly be among the catalysts and coordinators of this process.” - David Rockefeller, Annual UN Ambassadors’ Dinner Sep 14, 1994
In the interview, Oprah asked the young woman, who undoubtedly had been traumatized by the ordeal, about what exactly had occurred. Oprah opened the discussion, telling of how the poor girl had grown up in a family that “participated in human sacrifice,” undoubtedly causing emotional scars that may never heal.
Here is part of the interview:
OPRAH: …You come from generations of ritualistic abuse?
POLIN: Yes, my family has an extensive family tree, and they keep track of who’s been involved and who hasn’t been involved, and it’s gone back to like 1700.
OPRAH: And so you were ritually abused.
POLIN: Right. I was born into a family that believes in this.
OPRAH: Does everyone else think it’s a nice Jewish family? From the outside, you appear to be a nice Jewish girl?
POLIN: Definitely.
OPRAH: And you all are worshipping the devil inside the home?
POLIN: Right. There’s other Jewish families across the country. It’s not just my own family.
OPRAH: Really? And so who knows about it? Lots of people now.
POLIN: Well, I talked to a police detective in the Chicago area, and several of my friends know, and I’ve spoke publicly before, and…
OPRAH: So when you were brought up in this kind of evilness, did you just think it was normal?
RACHEL: I blocked out a lot of the memories I had because of my multiple personality disorder, but, yes. I mean, it’s like if you grow up with something, you think it’s normal. I always thought something…
OPRAH: So what kinds of things? You don’t have to give us the gory details, but what kinds of things went on in the family?
POLIN: Well, there would be rituals in which babies would be sacrificed, and you would have to, you know…
[end of Oprah excerpt]