Irene Caesar, Motherhood of Father Michael Meerson, 2011
I made a portrait of Father Michael Meerson after he delivered a memorial service for Elena Bonner in the Orthodox Church of Christ the Savior, New York City, on the ninth day from Bonner’s demise, 26 of June, 2011, in accordance with the Orthodox tradition. I depicted Father Michael like Christianity usually depicts Madonna. Father Michael sits with a boy on his lap in a sacred space. My objective was to express the true meaning of what Madonna stands for - compassion, and to show that it is unconditional or holographic. “Motherhood of Father Meerson” is the symbol for our ancient Russian-Aryan mastery over the information-wave crystals in the form of compassion or resonance. I called the image “The Motherhood of Father Michael” instead of “Fatherhood” precisely to emphasize my reference to Madonna.
When I looked at the results of the photo session, I was struck that Father Michael and the boy had different facial expressions from shot to shot, but they had the same expression on their faces in one shot at a time, as if they both tuned to the same wave in a given moment of time. Had a boy felt pain, it seemed unquestionable that Father Michael would also feel pain. My portrait of Father Michael exemplifies the resonance between two human beings to show how the law of Karma works. Compassion as resonance goes beyond the physiological stimulus / response mechanism. Compassion is the unconditional resonance with all the vibrations of the infinite dimensions, be that pain or joy, friend or enemy. Compassion is based upon the holographic principle, i.e., the holographic nature of the universe, and the holographic nature of man. According to quantum physics, the universe is holographic, meaning it is entirely in its every [matrix] point. When I was shooting the portrait of Father Michael, I asked him and a boy to specifically concentrate on agothon - the infinite good, which is entirely present in every [matrix] point of the universe. I believe that the indifference to human suffering in the Western culture is suicidal, and is the subversion of our Russian-Aryan legacy by the inferior views of “The Old Testament,” which exhibits misunderstanding of the holographic principle, and the unconditional goodness of the absolute. In its inability to understand the holographic nature of the universe, the Judeo-Christian tradition (with exception of the early, Gnostic Christianity) exemplifies the inability for clear philosophical thinking, and is the threat to the Quantum Leap, taken that Satanists and Luciferians, as the ultimate expression of this tradition, predominate among Western elites.
My portrait of Father Michael is my protest against the Western tradition of ritualistic pedophilia and child sacrifice. These rituals are mostly practiced by Satanists and Luciferians, but have a deep root in Judaism (especially in Talmud), and have penetrated Catholicism through the misinterpretation of Platonism. In this tradition, a Priest uses children, both boys and girls, in ritual abuse as a means for achieving the higher-level energy, which, as Satanists are convinced, brings success, power, and knowledge. These ritualistic practices are alien to our ancient Russian-Aryan legacy. SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) violates the law of Karma, which is the fundamental moral code of our Russian-Aryan tradition, and suppresses our ancient knowledge of the holographic principle and wave matrices / wave crystals as the foundation for the Karmic Law. SRA inflicts on us the immediate threat of degeneration to our joint wave matrices that we share on the wave level with all the representative of our genetic lines, whether we are aware of this or not. Thus, Satanism blocks the development of the information-wave technology, which offers cure of incurable diseases and the manifold increase in the agriculture productivity. Satanic Ritual Abuse literally destroys our wave genome and our civilization.
I believe that Satanic Ritual Abuse is not far removed from the African belief that if you eat the meat of a healthy child, you yourself become healthy; or, if you have sex with an underage virgin, you rejuvenate. In opposition to the Western African human sacrifice and pedophilia, Plato claims that the adult has to contemplate child’s purity, never violating the child. Adult contemplates the eidos (the form) of the child, which is essentially the information-wave crystal, and becomes one with child’s eidos on the wave or energy level. Evidently, Plato’s “idealism” was his reaction to the West African Spirit-worship abuse, which he witnessed when he traveled to Egypt (e.g., according to
Papyrus Chester-Beatty I, Set is depicted as trying to prove his dominance by seducing Horus and then having
intercourse with him). In Euthyphro, Socrates argues that gods are self-sufficient, and do not need sacrifices.
Aristotle develops the idea of predominance of eidos (information-wave crystal) over matter, predating our modern scientific knowledge that universe consists 96% of energy and only 4% of matter, with matter being only the condensed energy. Aristotle goes further than Plato, and establishes the holographic principle, claiming that because the divine nous (mind) is indivisible, eternal, and infinite energeia (energy), it is present in every [matrix] point of the cosmos / universe entirely, being omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. Aristotle’s formulation of the holographic universe precedes our own quantum physics with its formulation of the holographic principle and quantum non-locality for more than two millennia, and, in essence, preserves and develops our most ancient Russian-Aryan understanding of the universe as holographic energy. Aristotle used the term “sustema” (systematic whole) to designate the holographic principle of the being, and applied the notion of “systematic whole” both in natural and social sciences to express the unity of cosmos, polis (society) and soul (psyche) - the unity of microcosm and macrocosm. For example, family is a systematic whole, which reflects in itself the entire state.
Because the universe is entirely in its every [matrix] point, nobody owning a Bentley can be happy if an orphan is sobbing behind the wall. The information waves penetrate through any walls, and the waves of suffering poison the Noosphere of our planet with a more lethal poison than nuclear explosions. You cannot shield yourself from this destructive energy, if you inflict suffering upon the other human being, notwithstanding space and time. You cannot shield yourself from this destructive energy, even if this suffering is not your fault. You cannot shield yourself from this destructive energy, even if you do not know anything about the suffering of the other human being. You cannot shield yourself from this destructive energy, even you violated the other man only in thought, said Augustine. You are especially haunted by this destructive energy not only if you are guilty of inflicting suffering, but also if you are indifferent to the suffering of the other human being. Compassion (resonance or reciprocity) is the wavefunction of the universe. Compassion as wavefunction IS the nature or substance (ousia / substantia) of the holographic universe, and the Law of Karma is how the holographic universe operates. The Ancient Greek Law of unity between aesthetics and ethics, i.e., the unity between beauty (kalon) and goodness (agathon), is the development of our primordial Russian-Aryan Law of Karma, both claiming that the law of beauty is functionally based upon the moral law.
That is why Satanic Ritual Abuse is not simply the gross case of ignorance, but is the literal pollution of our dimension with the destructive energy. Those who do human sacrifice and ritualistic pedophilia destroy themselves as human beings, and join animals. Animals are the most perfect cyborgs, than the intelligent machines, which humans would ever be able to create. Though they practiced the animal sacrifice, Greeks and Romans never practiced the human sacrifice, and Romans have forbidden the human sacrifice in the territories they occupied (including Britain), based upon their understanding of the difference between humans and animals. Understanding of this difference or its lack was for them the main difference between the civilized man and barbarians.
Holographic principle states that, because the universe is entirely in its every [matrix] point, every [matrix] point is not simply different from any other [matrix] point, but is unique (the uniqueness principle). Every human IS a matrix that has the entire universe inside (the unity of macrocosm and microcosm). Every human matrix / eidos IS uncreated. Every human matrix IS unique. Every human has his or her own unconditional and full access to the infinity -- the quantum non-locality of the zero field in terms of modern science -- through scalar waves.
That is why every human can have a priori knowledge -- immediate unconditional self-evident knowledge before any empirical experience and independently of hierarchy, caste, education and initiation. A slave boy in Plato’s “Meno” is capable to “recall” the a priori mathematic axiom in his dialogue (elenchus) with Socrates via anamnesis (recollection). A priori knowledge is the other way for expressing that the universe is entirely in each human, and, so, any human can retrieve any knowledge of the infinite dimensions either from the past or from the future. The very notions of emanation, hierarchy and initiation ARE the destruction of the holographic principle. If a Satanist believes that he gets some extra energy as a result of human sacrifice, a Satanist concedes that he is not self-sufficient or holographic.
In opposition to humans, animals do not have access to the infinity (scalar waves of the zero field), and do not have individuation. Individuation is not simply the idiosyncrasy of this or that animal specimen, but is the ability of an animal specimen to have individual access to the Noosphere independently of the other specimen(s) within the species, and species as a whole. Specimens of this or that species of animals share the collective or hive information-wave matrix of a species.
Aristotle explains why humans are endowed with the divine nous, or, in our modern terms, have access to the zero field via scalar waves, while the lower animals don’t. He states that our mind becomes identical with the object of its contemplation. If we contemplate a finite object, the wavefunction (wave crystal) of our mind becomes identical with the wave crystal of this finite object. If we contemplate infinity, the wavefunction (wave crystal) of our mind becomes identical with the wavefunction of infinity, literally producing the infinite wave (so-called “scalar” wave). The very existence of the notion of infinity in human mind is the a priori evidence that humans have access to the infinity.
It is clear that we need to extend quantum physics to human genome to explain wavefunction of universe in relation to humans. Human genome becomes Wave Genome. Application of quantum physics to human genome is already the understanding of the holographic principle. Furthermore, we have to apply the holographic principle across the entire spectrum of liberal sciences. I would call this the Quantum Leap in liberal sciences. Considering the Quantum Leap of liberal sciences, it is clear that the term agathon of the Ancient Greek philosophy is much more precise than the term “zero field”, and the term eidos is more precise than the term “wavefunction”.
A criminal who performs the ritual killing of a child, becomes a beast. The wavefunction (wave crystal) of his mind becomes identical with the corpse, and with the destructive energy of killing. The destructive energy of killing is finite. It has limited scope, and is mended immediately by the infinite zero field, which is the absolute goodness (agathon). Ancient Greeks explained why the infinity is the absolute good (agathon). The infinity cannot be self-destructive, because the result of its self-destruction would be “nothing”, and “nothing” cannot exist in virtue of definition. This is a self-evident truth, which was expressed by the Eleatic School two millennia earlier the third law of thermodynamics, which states that energy is indestructible and one cannot add to it or subtract from it. Evil is only an illusion, and has no absolute (ontic) existence.
This belief was partially lost in the Western tradition because of the Cabbalistic idea of the Fall, Emanation and Hierarchy. Ayn Rand, who believes that the world is divided into the strong and the weak, and that the good stays with the strong, and never with the weak, is a striking example of this loss. Dualism in opposing God to Satan, Christ to Lucifer, Heavens to Hell, is the gross inability to grasp the dialectics of the unified systematic whole. Even if there are opposites, they are still unified in synthesis of thesis and antithesis. Dualism yields logical contradiction in the co-existence of mutually exclusive notions. Satan makes impossible for God to be omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. Hell limits the domain of God. The existence of Evil makes it impossible for God to exist.
The universe mends the death energy by the law of resonance. Jews eat kosher meat, which was killed by putting a prey to sleep via opening prey’s veins to avoid the death hormone. This tradition is the echo of our most ancient Russian-Aryan Karmic Law, according to which our Saints eat only berries. I myself eat only greens and berries, and consider this to be a vital precondition for my clear vision. The ritual killing of the child not only produces the death hormone, which poisons the Satanist, who drinks the sacrificial blood, it also produces the death energy, which returns to the Satanist as his punishment. Death energy corrupts the Satanist himself, and separates him from the very source of life force and knowledge, which the Satanist was looking for when he killed the child. There is no way to escape punishment. There is only one way of salvation - through the restoration of compassion. This restoration of compassion is alike the restoration of sensitivity in the resurrected dead body.
The early, Gnostic Christianity developed Aristotelian holographic principle, and are the essential part of our Russian / Aryan legacy. We need to defend Gnostics from the subversion by Aleister Crowley with his “Gnostic Mass” that has nothing to do with Gnosticism. We also need to defined Christianity from its conflation with Dionysian Mysteries, which were practiced in the Ancient Greece only by the marginalized plebs, and which were despised by the educated Greeks (see Euripides “Bacchae”, which describes with horror how Bacchantes eat alive her own infant son). Gnosticism is the most coherent expression of the holographic principle in the Western culture, because Gnostics not simply professed the holographic principle, but also lived by it. The early Christians were electing a priest every day anew from their midst, and even a woman could be a priestess, because they believed that the divine mind (nous) is entirely in each one of them. They identified themselves with their divine mind and not with their perishable bodies, and that is why they believed that they are gods, or god-men, notwithstanding gender, race, caste, and initiation. Therefore, Madonna can have a divine child a boy, or a girl, as I depicted in my image “Madonna Liberated” (Madonna with a divine daughter). And therefore, a Priest implements both fatherly and motherly function for his people, and it is the ultimate degradation when a Satanic Priest devours children.
Because Satanists and Luciferians lose access to the holographic infinity, their geopolitical agenda mirrors the animal kingdom. Their most recent project “Internet of Things” / “Internet of Everything” implies that things acquire consciousness and communicate between each other without the participation of humans. Humans are transformed into cyborgs and controlled by the one-world artificial intelligence. This agenda is an openly proclaimed plan of the so-called Transhumanism for depopulation and ultimate destruction of the human civilization. Transhumanists do not understand that human intellect is uncreated and has access to the quantum non-locality of the zero field, that animals do not have this access, and cyborgs would never have as well. Artificial intellect is the “created” intellect, and is finite in virtue of definition.
“Intelligent” Machines operate with the finite digits of the binary numerical code. Ancient Greeks formulated the a priori truth that it is impossible to express infinity via adding up finite digits (so called “bad infinity”). When you add up finite digits in your quest for infinity, you just keep adding up finite digits ad infinitum. But notwithstanding of how many finite digits you added up, the infinity eludes you. Transhumanists simply do not understand the nature of the infinity. Infinity is infinite in all directions, meaning that every [matrix] point of the universe is simultaneously present in the infinite number of dimensions. Every matrix / monad (wave sphere) pulsates from the macro to micro dimensions. The notion of “parallel dimensions” as slightly different replicas of the same dimension is wrong, because every dimension is unique (the uniqueness principle). Every dimension is a unique matrix / monad. Matrices / monads overlap without losing their uniqueness. Transhumanists cannot create “new” and “artificial” matrix / monad, because monads are uncreated - infinite not only in space, but also in time.
Because the numerical code cannot express infinity, it cannot express uniqueness as well. The finite “intelligent” machine would not be able even to detect the scalar waves (which are infinitely non-local) in the human matrices. Therefore, the artificial intelligence (AI) will never be able to reproduce the human intelligence, or become superior to human intelligence. Thus, the project of creating the superior artificial intellect is a false flag. Because the superior AI cannot be created in principle, Transhumanists will attempt to fake AI in the form of a DNA computer, thus abusing human DNA, which has access to the zero field.
DNA computers are nothing else than the destruction of human DNA wave matrices in attempt to control human mind. Without access to the infinite zero field, the one-world artificial intellect will be destroyed by its own cyber mutations. That is why the “Internet of Everything” is suicidal for any sentient civilization on this planet. Digitization of reality is the loss of individuation of people and phenomena, and the collapse of this dimension. Transhumanism is the technocratic manifestation of the Satanic Ritual Abuse with its human sacrifice and pedophilia, as the perverted access to the zero field. That is why I consider rejecting the SRA to be crucially important for the survival of humankind, and making The Quantum Leap - the technological revolution of the information-wave technology, which is starting now.
Ayn Rand is the cross-section between Transhumanism, Satanism and Cabbala. The Karmic Law of the Holographic Universe is alien to Ayn Rand. Faithfully following the Cabbalistic tradition, Ayn Rand destroys the holographic principle via dualistic opposition of slaves to masters. That is why for her, compassion is either condescension or humiliation. Rand is incapable of understanding compassion as the Karmic law of resonance of everything with everything. She derides the systematic whole of the society as “collectivism.” In opposition to Rand, my artwork “Motherhood of Father Michael” shows that two people resonate with each other without the suppression of individuation by the hive mind.
Ayn Rand’s fake libertarianism and fake objectivism is the grossest embodiment of genocidal fascism, which was always implicit in the Cabbalistic tradition of the “chosen people”. That is why it is not a surprise that Henry Kissinger was Ayn Rand’s faithful fan and disciple. Henry Kissinger was going around for years, proudly demonstrating in the elite circles his personal mind-slave aka “personal computer” Brice Taylor (Arizona Wilder) as the “future for humankind”. Brice Tayler was transformed into a mind-slave after her mind was split into multiple personalities via Satanic Ritual Abuse, i.e., by raping her at the age of three. Satanists in NSA are using precisely the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children in their quest for controlling human minds and creating mind-slaves in the MK-ULTRA program. They should stop.
July 9, 2013