
Apr 24, 2007 16:55

Title: Heat
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it belongs to JKR.
Pairing: Su Li/Lee Jordan
Warnings: Fluff? Passing reference to sex.
Summary: How it all started
Notes: I play Su Li at stoatshead_hill RPG. I was thinking how there's no Su/Lee fic out there, and this came into my head. The plot bunny was all smutty, but I am swiftly realizing that I am incapable of writing that sort of thing, so you get this little ficlet instead. Also, no beta so feel free to poke me if you notice anything odd.
For: acoustics1220, who plays Lee Jordan and is just generally wonderful. ♥

It all started because she was too lazy to cast a heating charm. It was a chilly January day and huddling under a heap of blankets wasn't helping, so she went upstairs, shivering slightly, and knocked on his door. Lee took one look at her and frowned, as she'd known he would do. Taking her hand, he pulled her inside, lecturing all the while. She smiled, only listening to bits and pieces ("Honestly, Su, what would you do if I wasn't here to watch out for you?") but feeling warmer already.

It all started as they were curled up on the couch together, covered in blankets, talking and laughing. Slowly the laughter faded away and the atmosphere of the room shifted, becoming thick and charged. Su looked up from her position on Lee's lap to find him watching her, pupils dark and dilated. Then it was all lips and hands and tongues and heat, and Su was certain that she'd never be cold again.

It continued over the following weeks, kisses leading to so much more. The first time she felt him there, between her thighs, Su couldn't help but rejoice that, despite the discomfort, there was one part of her that wasn't too small. She rejoiced again the first time she made Lee blush, appearing at his door in lacy knickers and knee-high boots.

It continued over the following year. There was a ring in December and a white dress in June. It never ended, not after the miscarriages or during the next war or even with the appearance, finally, of one-two-three almond-eyed, cocoa-skinned babies.

One cold January day, soon after the children had returned to school for the new term, Su started to shiver as she sat curled up in her favorite chair. Taking off her reading glasses, she rose to get a sweater, then squealed as Lee pulled her down into his lap. "I can think of a better way to keep you warm," he murmured into her silver-streaked hair. And as she moved under him, Su thought to herself, just before completely giving in to sensation: it will never end.


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