
Jan 29, 2007 17:46

Title: Shadows
Rating: PG
Characters: Su Li, Cho Chang
Word Count: 375
Disclaimer: Recognize it? Not mine. Also, the relationship was created by Su's previous Muggle. I just made it pretty. *smiles*
Warnings: Character death
Summary: Su remembers her relationship with Cho
Notes: I play Su at stoatshead_hill, and while the following differs in some details, like ( Read more... )


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Re: wow redhousecreeper March 15 2007, 12:26:41 UTC
Oh it's alright that you've never beta'd before. I'm mostly just looking to see if Su's character is realistic. I want her to be sort of bossy, independent, intelligent and just a bit cunning, while also being insecure and confident at the same time.

I would never have believed that you were new to writing fanfic as you seem to have done such a good job on the story you wrote.

Prompt: Pretend

“Alright so teach me Goyle.”

“Teach you what,” Goyle asked, not really sure what the midget had gotten in her head to talk to him about.

“Teach me how to make a wand,” Su said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Listen Li and listen good. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and pretend I didn’t just hear you say what I think you might have said,” Goyle said before turning back to his work.

“If we’re going to be partners Goyle we’re going to need to know all aspects of the business. You need to know how to run the business in case I get sick and I need to know about wand making in case you get…whatever it is you get.”

“You were in Ravenclaw, right Li,” he asked without looking up from the wand he was working on.

“Yes,” she said crossing her arms over her chest. It was a move obviously made to show that she meant business, but he just thought it made her look like a bossy little brat.

“Well then I’m sure you can see your previous statement is somewhat illogical. I don’t get sick, so therefore you’re never going to have to take care of my part of the business. However, if you have some time today you can teach me to balance the books or whatever.”

“Oh, so you’re the only one here that can make wands is that it? You’re just-“

“Li,” he cut her off, “I’m low on unicorn hairs. Can you go pull me a few?”

“From where,” she said confused that he’d acquiesced so quickly.

“There’s a valley about eighteen kilometers away. Every few days a unicorn will run through it. Just get the hairs and don’t you dare cast a spell on it,” he said without even looking up from the wand he was working on. “You good with healing spells?”

From what little she knew of Gregory Goyle she had learned that he never, ever joked. “Fine, I can show you how to balance the books later this afternoon and you can tell me how to pull unicorn hair this weekend,” she said with a note of finality, smiling at the scowl that came over his face.


Re: wow ireneadler March 18 2007, 12:55:53 UTC
So first of all, I'm sorry it took so long to respond to this. I've got a nasty cold and have been terribly blah all weekend. Fun.

As far as your fic goes, it's a cute story. I think you pretty well accomplished what you were aiming for, with Su's character. I didn't pick up the insecure part, but it's a short fic, so. I like how she out-Slytherin-ed the Slytherin at the end. *g*

Also, just out of curiosity, how did you stumble upon my journal? I only recently made my fic public and I haven't cross-posted much, so I wondered.


Re: wow redhousecreeper March 19 2007, 12:08:39 UTC
I found your journal through lionille's friends list.

Thanks for reading my story!


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