Aug 30, 2006 14:13
Yes, folks you read that right. Today I look like a puffer fish. One side of my face is swollen because I had my lower right wisdom tooth extracted yesterday. Unfortunately for me and my now overgrown cheek and jaw, the tooth was impacted and was pretty huge. I arrived at my dentist's office at 9am and they only got the little bugger out at about 11:00! :s I remember thinking to myself as they sawed away at my tooth (they had to break it into three sections because my mouth was "too crowded" and the tooth was too big to pull out all at once) that this definitely felt like it was going to be a BITCH to heal. Thanks to painkillers though, my recovery isn't actually going all that bad... but just the thought of having to go through this all over again (next Tuesday, to extract my left lower wisdom tooth) is pretty depressing.
To make matters worse, I've gone into full chipmunk cheek mode. And not just any kind of chipmunk, but one that's been obsessively hiding acorns in one cheek. UGH.
I was supposed to go for a job interview on Thursday, but I managed to have it moved to Monday next week (Thank God!). It would be simply insane to attend an interview looking like this! haha :P I think I'll just hibernate at home for the rest of the week.