No Flower Blooms Instantly

Sep 18, 2017 22:59

I'm kind of sleepy today since lots of things happened today, but I really want to share this since having a negative post as the latest post on my journal doesn't sound nice, and I believe that me seeing this today isn't a coincidence as well.
"With the strength to not lose to yourself, you can break through any wall"

Taken from latest Music Station, Arashi's Fight Song performance

My day started with me feeling uneasy right when I woke up. Lots, of things to be done, it's finally schooldays again eh? Ya, I won't deny my reluctance to go back to reality and responsibility XD

First class of the day: Java Lab. Note: Coding is one of the things that I met VERY often yet still really gave me uneasiness. I walked into the lab and right when I read the handout, I understood nothing. Like, literally nothing. That would make me panicked of course, but since my day has started with me feeling uneasy, I didn't want that to keep me feeling uneasy the whole day. I decided to empty my mind and reread the handout several times. And guess what? The more I read, the more I had a glimpse on how the code work and I MANAGED TO FINISH MY CODE! Yay!!!

Moving on, I got lunch and scrolled through my Twitter TL. SO MANY CUTE CLIPS! I really wanted to watch it that very moment, but I have other stuffs to finish. So I walked into the library and finished my resume and some documents needed for my real life.

1 PM, I ran towards a building 5 mins from where the library was, head straight to 6th floor for my next class but guess what? I remembered my schedule wrongly! I had a class in another building before that class on 6th floor. I ran towards that other building (and Yes, I jaywalked a lot since I only have less than 5 mins before class started). Arrived in class 2 mins late *phew*~

Class ended, I wanted to go to washroom before my next class, so I kinda rushed out and oops, I twisted my ankle as I wasn't aware that there were small stairs there. My ankle didn't hurt that much, so I just walked out and head towards the washroom. 1 step, 2 step, 3 vision turned darker and darker. I decided to just sit in front of a random class to regain my vision. After sitting there for around a minute, my friend saw me and asked me what's up. Thinking that all's good now as my vision was back to normal, I told her "nothing, just twisted my ankle a bit". 1 step, 2 step, 3 vision had almost turned black in those steps. I then told my friend to head towards the class first while I sat in front of another random class again, YET SHE WAITED FOR ME! I felt a kinda bad but at the same time, I WAS REALLY HAPPY! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

I thought sugar will help me with this, so I ate the free gummy bears I just got last Thursday. Lucky I still have it in my bag XDD After resting for around 2 mins (I think?), we headed to class and my vision went back to normal~

Sitting in the lecture for an hour, the pain on my ankle decreased and by the time the lecture ended, my ankle was fine that I could walk down the stairs~ Yep, it was weird that my vision actually turned black before, I thought~ Next class: another lab, simulation lab. It was a new software, so I was pretty anxious. But since this morning's coding turned out well, I decided to empty my mind again and read everything calmly~ guess what? I FINISHED THE LAB!!! Feel so happy >v<

Class ended, I walked around and saw my friends, then I went home. It was only after I bathe that the pain on my ankle came back. But well, you see? Everything turned out well!

TL;DR, in summary:
- I was almost late for my coding lab, making me uneasy. Yet with a calm mind, I could finish my lab.
- I went to the wrong classroom and had to run to make it into my class. But in the end, I still made it.
- I twisted my ankle. But with my friend staying behind with me, the pain gradually decreased.

What I want to convey is that no matter what happened, there will definitely a great mean behind it as long as we don't give up.
Okie! FIGHT-O, IRENE >o<)9

#arashi, #rlpost

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