Spring Cleaning (of sorts)

Apr 14, 2008 17:20

Lots of stuff happening all at once. Sadly, none much in the way of a social life or employment, but Things Be Happening, anyway.

1) Tested for my yellow belt in Krav Maga. Two and half hours straight of workout (apparently streamlined down from four!). Not only fought Unexpected!Marines (...please don't hurt me, sir?), but collapsed into quivering mess afterwards. Would have found out about passing when results were posted this week, except:

2) Had the WORST COLD EVER. Seriously, I lay in bed with a blanket over my head for days. Couldn't concentrate, couldn't breath and ended up sleeping half the day away since Benadryl made me completely loopy. Accomplishments measured in the zero range all week.
ETA: Went into Krav this evening and found out I *did* pass. Huzzah! One belt down, only ten more to go.

3) Did, however, finish the new Dresden Files book. Thoughts (long and rambling) on Small Favor can be found here. Standard spoiler warnings apply, so be wary.

I'm also boggled to find, after years in fandoms that didn't write for me, all of my fandoms suddenly *are.* Supernatural? Yes. Avatar? God, yes. And now Dresden Files? It's like all these people suddenly have a telepathic link to my brain. Now the only question is - will I use my new-found powers for good...or EVIL?

4) Watched Torchwood finale and Doctor Who opener. Overall, quite satisfied with current developments and at some point will probably blog on them.

5) Re-did journal design and switched to new default icon. My ADD, let me show you it.

6) Saw La Boheme live simulcast from Metropolitan Opera in local theater. Very cool and kudos to the Met for a fantastic idea for those without the means or money to travel to New York. Plus, I got to eat nachos at the opera. Over-priced nachos, but nachos, nevertheless.

Currently, waiting to hear back from La Salle for space availability for summer session. If all goes according to plan, I'll start school in late May. Otherwise, I'll have to wait for rollover into the fall semester.

dresden files, real life, doctor who, torchwood

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