I has a Torchwood

Jan 17, 2008 14:01

I need a Captain Jack icon. Also, a Captain John icon. Because they are Teh Sex, oh yes.

Do I even need to mention the spoilers? 'Cause they are, like, all over.

So, "Kiss Kiss, Bang, Bang." Apparently the producers had been listening to the fans because that had so much less suck and so much more fun and HAWT and fun and a coked-up blowfish driving a sports car. Which not nearly enough series have, for the record. Thoughts in no particular order:

-'kay, so Captain John is pretty much Spike-with-time-travel, except, wait, James Marsters was really, really *good* at playing Spike, remember? So, he's Spike but he makes out with John Barrowman instead of Michelle Gellar. Which gets no complaints from me, really.

-Speaking of, yeah, that scene was all that and a bag of chips. No wonder the two of them had to take time off to go to their bunks spend time with their significant others.

-Gwen! So pretty much she needs Jack to not be there to start kicking ass and taking names. Also, oh, Rhys. I hope she comes clean with him because he's a big teddy bear who doesn't deserve the Torchwood BS. Also, if they do a "left at the alter" thing, I will hurt someone with sharp pointy objects because it's shitty and cliched and I'm sick of the plot point.

-Speaking of, the hell is the Jack/Gwen stuff all about? I'm going to assume that it was meant to be "I love you like a captain should love all his team members and no, it's really *not* That Way" but they played it more romantically, so it came across as...weird, really. Hmmm. I'm going to sit and think on this for a bit.

-Owen: now with 15% less suck. This is a scientific measurement; question it not. He keeps sucking less and I may be able to start doing the same thing to that awful, awful plot point from 1x01 that I do to "Cyberwoman." Namely, stick my fingers in my ears and go "LALALALA" and pretend it never happened.

Okay, maybe not, but I don't want to throttle Owen every time he's on screen anymore. Perhaps it means I've grown as a person?

-Tosh! Concentrating on the important stuff. Like "is John hot?" and "I wonder if I can fic those two?" Also, perhaps we are meant to be seeing the death knell of her Owen crush? That would be sweet beyond all reason.

-Jeeves!Ianto is mostly back, along with a side order of Jack/Ianto. If the writers really want to pursue that angle, I hope they continue to play it this way. Because that date scene was sweet and awkward and actually justified why these two might be into each other. Yards better than the Stopwatch!Sex that all of a sudden was.


-Look! It's a seasonal arc! Huzzah!

-Martha! Yay! Though she really ought to be introduced as *Doctor* Jones, but I'll assume she calls Jack on it when the time comes.

Wow, y'all. They've replaced the bad crack with the good stuff. Two thumbs up.

tv, torchwood

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