Title: Waltz
Fandom: Doctor Who, Firefly
Disclaimer: They belong to Joss Whedon, Russell Davies and the BBC
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Through S3 of Doctor Who, S1 of Torchwood and the BDM for Firefly. Plus That Companion Spoiler (sort of).
Prompt: Jack/Inara for Rokeon
Summary: Six times Inara ran into Jack Harkness
Note: Written for the annual
Multiverse fic challenge as a pinch-hit assignment, now published here since authors' names were revealed. First time participant. First time with such a short turnaround time for an assignment. It is entirely possible I did it in a fit of temporary insanity.
This is a slightly cleaner version than the one at the archive since I've had the time to re-read and correct. Constructive criticism is still appreciated.
Fake cut to fic journal