Fic: Pieces of You (The Island 2005) - 1/1

Apr 14, 2012 12:39

And some more clean up and archiving for the weekend.

Title: Pieces of You
Fandom: The Island (2005)
Disclaimer: They belong to Michael Bay and Dreamworks
Rating: PG
Prompt: I want to know how reintegration goes after the clones are revealed to the world/it is revealed to the 'survivors' that they are actually clones and not the remnants of the human race, especially the difficulties in dealing with someone who is, at least genetically, identical to you. Things I would love to see: the return of memories a la Lincoln 6 Echo's dreams and drawings, the role of L6E and Jordan 2 Delta in the new world, and the worldwide backlash.

Summary: Life would be so much easier for Jordan 2 Delta if she weren't constantly reminded that it's not her life

Notes: Originally written for Grevling for Yuletide 2010. It was the first time I'd written as a pinch hitter and the prompt hit on themes from a partially written story that I'd started but ultimately hadn't gone anywhere. It ended up being the excuse I needed to dust it off and finish it. It was also an opportunity to work with a canon that never really satisfied me: The Island is a film that could have been a really great science fiction piece but ended up being a typical Michael Bay movie (which is to say, long on explosions and thin on plot and character development). Oh well. That's why we have fanfic in the first place, right?

Pieces of You

movies, the island (2005), fic, yuletide

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