Fan Things

Oct 12, 2008 21:13

Bored! Therefore, gun-to-the-head fannish opinions, as in "If I had a gun to my head, what are the things I think are absolutely true of the series?"

Law and Order: Criminal Intent
Goren is totally head over heels for Eames. However, he's too fucked up to really know what to do with that and she's too stable to let anything come of it.

Harry Potter
I think Snape would've been happier if he'd taken up a Muggle profession instead. He's not really rational when it comes to personal drama, but in his work he's a pretty absolute logician and it must drive him to distraction the numerous ways magic goes absolutely pear-shaped a majority of the time. Probably why he went into potions in the first place and also why he probably would have been a lot happier blowing things up with SCIENCE instead.

Charlie is much, much angrier than he lets on. I worry it's going to come out in a really ugly way.

Ashes to Ashes
A2A is unto Life on Mars as Torchwood is unto Doctor Who - utter and complete crack. Which I think is why it fails to rile me even when it's kind of cruddy, because I'm incapable of taking it seriously.

Doctor Who
I think S3 of Nu Who is by far the best of the series. Not only in terms of individual episodes (the Dalek two-parter is the only real dud of the lot; everything else is solid to fantastic the rest of the way), but in terms of overall narrative and story-arc. Plus, Martha.

Zuko/Mai is awesome but totally doomed to failure, mostly because they will never see eye to eye on why the Fire Nation needed to lose the war. Katara/Aang is also doomed to failure, but it's mostly because she really does see him as sort of a brother and he's twelve. Sokka and Suki, on the other hand, are going to have sexy, sarcastic, ass-kicking adventures together before they settle down and have a brood of sarcastic, ass-kicking kids.

Bill is kind of, sort of secretly a gossipy old lady on the inside. Seriously, he'd much rather trade anecdotes and find out about local Bon Temps social sets and who's sleeping with who than talk about vampires, vampirism or pretty much anything to do with the supernatural. Which is why he and Sookie's Gram got on so well.

Dresden Files
TV-verse: It's possible to buy into Harry and Bob as slash, but since Harry imprinted on Bob as Paternal Figure Who Will Never Ever Leave Me As He Is Already Dead, I've found it really difficult to.
Book-verse: Thomas is omnisexual. If the TV series had ever gotten that far, two-to-one odds he would've been played by John Barrowman.
Also, I really believe Harry/Murphy is meant to be canon. That said, I find Murphy/Kincaid and Harry/Marcone inappropriately hot.

Anyone else want to share?

dresden files, life, avatar, doctor who, tv

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