I'll see your Jung and raise you a Yalom

Jan 22, 2009 16:30

I decided that it might help my fiction--commercial and fan--if I rounded out the characters a bit. I'm sort of (semi, kind of) active in the HP fic world, and although Rowling has given us sketches of her paper people's personalities, I've noticed that fan writers go a lot further than she ever did in trying to give the characters depth and believability. I already had Jung's autobiography and "Dreams," so I reread those and then bought "Man and His Symbols, "Modern Man in Search of a Soul," and "The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious." Then, on the "in for a penny, in for a pound" basis, I bought a copy of "Existential Psychotherapy" by Irvin D. Yalom, a professor of psychiatry at Stanford. Either this stuff will help my writing, or I'll just give up and hang out my shingle. With all this to read, I'm not sure I'll have time for any writing!

yalom, jung

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