Thinking about Tianyu again

Apr 20, 2010 01:37

Fox has been advertising that the next show of Glee will feature Madonna songs exclusively.

When I think of Madonna songs long enough, my thoughts often turn to "Like a Prayer" which subsequently turn my thoughts to Tianyu. Back in our Sophomore year of college, Tianyu came up with the notion of taking pop songs and doing punk covers of them. The first (and only) one we did was Madonna's Like a Prayer. Though I was in full favor of doing punk covers, this was definitely Tianyu's idea.

The summer prior, I had bought an ubercheap drum kit and took it back to college with me. Sadly, I had absolutely no room for it. I consulted Tianyu, and since he lived in a quad (and had tons of space), he let me keep it there, with the notion that he or anyone else was welcome to play them whenever.

Well on one fateful day, we decided to record "Like a Prayer". I owned a digital recording station at the time. It could record 8 tracks onto a hard drive (if I call it an 8-track recorder, people tend to get the wrong idea). What makes it a little better than a regular tape recorder is that you could record different tracks at separate times. So we'd record me playing the drums while he played guitar, rerecord with Tianyu on the drums just listening to the first recording, and then me playing guitar while listening to HIS recording.

Here's the end result. He's on vocals, drums and bass. I'm on guitar. We made mess ups in a lot of places, but to our credit, we did it in one day.

A couple years later, Tianyu emailed me and said that this is what it SHOULD have sounded like (no it's not him or me).
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