Meme thingy

Feb 28, 2011 02:00

If you haven't done it yet, comment that you want to do this meme, and I'll give you a color that I think represents you, and then you list ten things you like in that color or ten things it reminds you of!

a_life_defiant  gave me BRIGHT GREEN (another meme given to me by my LJ bestie mostly because well she does awesome meme)

1.) One of my favourite eye shadows - Picnic in the Parc by Sephora
2.) The smell of freshly cut grass
3.) quirky_thespian --> everything to do about her... pretty much
4.) Limes - they are so sour sometimes
5.) The rinds of a watermelon - the markings are so pretty
6.) A crisp twenty dollar bill
7.) my favourite eye colour
8.) Those ugly argyle sweaters from the ninety's - you all totally know what I mean
9.) Slytherins - yes read/watch harry potter, sue me Imma nerd
10.) The blue-green of the sea --> can I count this??? Well I am

So anyone wanna play wit me O_o

absolute madness

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