Jul 02, 2005 15:47
Of course Charlie and the Chocolate Factory isn't as fantastic as Star Wars and the characters aren't as fun to dress up as but its opening is still a major event, at least in my book. My birthday is coming up and so is the opening of this movie and I decided to throw them in together, mind you, this isn't some insane party or will it be as splendid as Andrew's partay with pie but I propose you and whoever you chose to invite should come to the opening with me.
Now, since we all love Joseph and plan everything around him we won't be there to see the first showing because he works, however, there is a later show at 955 PM on July 15th at Regal Cinemas Regal 22 At Austell. If you do plan to come it will probably be a good idea to be there a bit early, say 930ish in case there are lines or whenever you feel you should be there. I don't know how busy Regal gets since I always go to Parkway Pointe but they haven't put up their dates yet, losers.
You must dress as a character from the movie (old or new) and play the part so pick someone you think is a joy to be.
Contact me if you choose to go. It's always nice to be organized. If you need a ride let me know. If you plan on bringing a shit load of friends go for it, the more the merrier. Just make sure they aren't emo kids who yell a lot.
678.570.2344 or Dirtyfootwater@hotmail.com or AIM: friggenanthro
Love and Chocolate, Adrienne Mullins