Feb 01, 2007 23:49
So the start of the second semester is an exciting one. I hope the sarcasm there didn't hurt anyone. I know like 0% of my classes, and that's not even the bad part. The bad part is that my classes are 99% girls, and 200% people I DONT want to know. I have Dmitriy in my Shaping the Modern World core class, and he never stops cracking jokes, so that's tight. Tommy is in my math core class. The class itself is ridiculous, I can't follow anything my 60 year old professor is saying, and the room is such a perfect temperature for sleep. Tommy doesn't let me sleep though. Jerk. I have Tim in my Intro to Art class but Tim's a weirdo and.. let's leave it at I'd rather have no one in the class. I have nobody AT ALL in my english class, and the professors a little weird herself. As for psych, that's the only class I'm looking forward to getting up 7:30 in the morning for. Jessica started driving her car to school so now I have a ride home. Pimmmp. I've decided if I ever get a car, it's going to be two door.