20 Days of Harry Potter

Nov 04, 2010 23:59

Stolen from someone over at hp_commonroom

01. How did you first get in to Harry Potter? Was it love at first sight or did it take some convincing?
02. What are your top three favorite characters and a paragraph on why?
03. Who is your favorite villain in the series and why?
04. Is there a character you disliked in the books but preferred in the movies or vice versa?
05. What is your favorite magical location, apart from Hogwarts?
06. If you could work at any shop or restaurant in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley, which would it be?
07. What would your Boggart and Patronus be and why?
08. What is your favorite chapter in each book?
09. What was your favorite plot twist in the series?
10. Who is your favorite Marauder, Order of the Phoenix member, Death Eater, and why?
11. What profession would you pursue in the magical world?
12. Who is your favorite magical inhabitant at Hogwarts?
13. What would you make a Horcrux?
14. What do you think was Harry's greatest vice and his greatest virtue?
15. If you could be any character in the series, who would you be? Their burdens would be yours, so choose wisely!
16. What character past reveal was your favorite in the entire series?
17. Who is the better friend: Ron or Hermione?
18. What is your favorite moral lesson from the series (e.g. good vs. evil)?
19. Do you agree with the outcome of Harry's sacrifice? Would it have been better if Rowling had done the opposite?
20. What did you think of Deathly Hallows: Part 1? What did they do right and what did they do wrongly? What do you hope for with Part 2?

DAY 1: How did you first get in to Harry Potter? Was it love at first sight or did it take some convincing?

I'm preeeetty sure (like 99% sure) I was in 3rd grade, so I was 9 years old. I know it was before 4th grade because I read Goblet of Fire during class that year, lol. But anyways, my mom bought a sweet ass set of the first three books (Goblet of Fire wasn't even out yet HOOOMG) through the Scholastic book forms at school and gave them to me for Christmas that year. In other words, my mom was pretty rad. I was a little nerd when I was a kid (still am) and read during any spare time I had. Siriusly, I used to read like a book a day. So she thought I'd like them. AND BOY WAS SHE RIGHT, A+++++ DECISION, MOM.

I remember reading them and right away I was hooked. The idea of an owl coming to deliver a letter informing me that I was a witch was like crack to me. I wanted one so bad, and remember even crying when I didn't get it lol. But yep, my best friend and I were Potter addicts at age 9.

harry potter, meme

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