the pain in my brain

Nov 01, 2004 09:59

I'm still recovering from overindulging the other night. Parties are fun, except I think someone drugged my drink (I hear it had alcohol in it!) and wow does my head hurt. I had to go to work last night all nauseated and serve pizza to ungrateful people, especially the two guys who come in and order four extra-steak-onion-mushroom-tomato-pizzas for the buffet and then yell at other people who dare to try to eat them. I hate those guys. Oh, and we were out of tomatoes, and they didn't believe me, so every time they came up to place an order I had to say, "sorry, we're out of tomatoes." I think they thought they were gonna trick me into giving them tomatoes on a later pizza when I had already told them we were out.

I also had to close with slow girl. So while I was done with my stuff at 11:45, I had to do all her dishes and I didn't get home until 1:00 a.m. I hate pizza.

Other than the hangover, and the work, sunday was the most relaxing day I've had in a long time. Until I got to work, I felt remarkably unstressed; a welcome change from a semester that's been too stressed. It was very nice.

And I must mention that while I tried to dress up as a nice, unoffensive ghost for the party, everyone thought I was a klansman. Boo.

Five more days of freedom!
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