Oct 23, 2004 11:20
so I went all crazy-girl last night, complete with the yelling and crying and slamming of doors. For once, i actually said everything I was thinking (and the F-word, lots of times). But the situation was never resolved, and while I managed to (kinda) get over it and get on with my night last night, I woke up this morning still mad and upset.
How many times do I have to say something before I get listened to? I hate getting all worked up and upset over something silly that bothers me, especially when I've mentioned that it bothers me several times in the past. Do I have to say it every time I come over? Should I start combining taking my shoes off at the door with issuing a warning that certain behavior is probably gonna piss me off?
And now it's all blown out of proportion, but I'm still hurt. And mad.
And it's kinda my fault too. I tend to be on the altruistic side, especially with people I care about. Most of the time it's more important to me that other people be happy; I'm adaptable. So I don't speak up when I should, or when I do it's not as forcefully as it could be, and people don't understand that I'm really serious. I guess.
But just because I like other people to be happy doesn't mean I don't want to be thought of occasionally. I don't understand people who don't take into consideration how their actions affect others. I guess I just feel like I'm being taken for granted. Probably because I am.